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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


A girl who dated George Clooney five or six years ago revealed some interesting information about him. First of all, the girl, who asked not to be identified, said emphatically “There is nothing remotely gay about George Clooney.” (For some reason the internet perpetuates the rumor that Clooney is gay, but it simply is not true. Ask any of his exgirlfriends.) This girl admitted she had been crazy about George when they were dating and thought he was a generous and sweet but he had one character quirk – he was insecure about HIS LOOKS. (Who would have guessed?) He was always asking her “Do I look OK?” or “Do you like this shirt?” Imagine that! And we always assumed that George Clooney was an extremely confident man.

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  1. JD

    Sure Clooney’s a homo – and he loves black men. I saw him taking it up the ass from Barack Obama just a few weeks back. OH wait, sorry — it was the other way around. Clooney was throwing wads of cash at Obama while Clooney fucked Obama senseless. I guess either way it doesn’t matter. Clooney’s just a liberal piece of shit, regardless.

  2. Sam

    George is great. He’s smart, he’s got a big heart and he’s handsome. There is nothing pompous about him, he can’t help it, if he smart and knows more than all the Republican presidential candidates, put together.

  3. Sam

    Wish someone could tell Janet that George is in fact, gay.

  4. right

    Glad that’s settled….he’s gay.

  5. Diandra

    I think it is just self-defense for him to joke all the time. The media can’t wait for a serious comment from him to turn it into a negative. I just wonder why his last two girlfriends had such questionable pasts to say the least.

  6. Kitty

    He does seem too high strung in his interviews. Manic type behavior bordering on desperation with all the incessant joking and kidding around.

  7. Bluejay

    I’m standing in line to tell George he looks great in everything.

  8. Taylor

    sex toys? What are we talking about here? Like Scooby Doo hot oil and battery operated probe? lol

  9. Ginger

    He is just toooo yummy for words!!!

  10. Leif

    blind item from online

    1. Which Hollywood hunk is known behind closed doors for asking women to slap him around while calling him “a bad boy?” He is also said to like sex toys. ??????

  11. Leif

    He can’t possibly be gay. He isn’t even a scientologist!!!! lol

  12. Indy

    Kitty…I agree with your agreement that he takes clowning around and practical jokes to the extreme. I read in the Enquirer where some crew members who worked with him on a movie said he was high strung and always trying too hard to be funny. Also, that it made them nervous not knowing when he was going to pull a prank on them and they had to grin and bear it because he was the star. Yes, he certainly always made it known that he was the star. If he is qu**r, the National Enquirer will dig it up sooner or later, and it won’t be idle gossip.

  13. Kitty

    Indy, you are so right! Every interview I’ve seen him in, he can’t give a straight answer-always smirking and joking around. I don’t find him sexy at all. He also has quite the temper and a big prima donna, from what I’ve heard.

  14. Patrick

    I don’t think he’s gay either.
    There is no tell on my gaydar.
    He seems like he would be a lot of laughs to have around tho gay or straight.
    Likes his doobies too I’ve heard.

  15. Dean

    He isn’t gay or somebody would have come forward and admitted being with him.

  16. Tia

    If he is gay, he would have to hide it. No straight woman wants her leading man lip locked with another leading man.

  17. Edie

    I think he is a big shallow queen. I can’t stand him.

  18. Muffin

    George Clooney is awesome!! I don’t think that he is so shallow of a man, that he would hide the fact that he was gay if it were true. He seems like a real honest, down to earth guy to me.

  19. Gil

    He seems good natured in his interviews. There’s nothing wrong with having fun and playing jokes on friends. It’s not a big deal.

    I don’t think of him being gay or straight. Who cares?

  20. Indy

    I always thought he was gay. But what really irritates me is he is always trying to be funny, crack jokes, play pranks. And of course the only reason he can get a girl for 1 year or so is they know he will reward them generously for the beard time.

  21. dimes

    Somehow I can’t picture George asking “Does my ass look big in this?”

  22. Joanie

    He’s very good looking. But men can have a lack of confidence in themselves that way. I’ve grown up with good looking men in my family, and cousins who could have gotten pretty much any woman of their choice when young, but they also lacked self confidence in this area. A couple were real knock out good looking, but they shied away from the women who chased them. Just because someone is a star doesn’t mean they don’t have the same human qualities that many of us do.

  23. Patrick

    Any guy who fusses over his looks to that extent is getting picked last for my hockey scrimmage.
    Then beaten up in a corner.

  24. Kitty

    I can’t stand this liberal, cocky, pompous ass-gay or not gay, no matter.

  25. forrest gump

    this man is stuck in the closeth, folks!!

  26. pixie larue

    “the girl, who asked not to be identified,” i.e. ‘I just made this up in the bathtub.’

  27. Patrice Kessler

    Huh….. it never crossed my mind that he was straight.

    I just thought all these pronouncements of girl friends, best sex ever, hyper masculinezed photo ops with motor cycles and such was just Hollywood cover-up as usual.

    So he’s not gay? I’ll be darn.

  28. palermo

    and why are they all “ex’s”? Because he is gay. I know somebody who is a friend of his family, and he is gay. Not sure why he has to have a constant stream of fake girlfriends, nobody cares George, nobody.