We never get tired of looking at old photos of young Elvis and this one is particularly noteworthy. It’s from photographer Alfred Wertheimer’s collection of photos taken in 1956 when Elvis was 21. According to Alfred, this photo was taken as Elvis arrived to appear on The Steve Allen Comedy Show and a fan from Long Island greeted him. HELL0 – is that fan not a dead ringer for Jennifer Grey? – in character for her movie “Dirty Dancing,” of course.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Casonia..World is having a hard time getting taxes out of people..How about all the strippers that get tax free money each and every night and How about CPS Fraud cases are out on the table..Hello Hells kitchen the show has spice and fear all over it!
Elvis has a grand son…THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN.
Btw, most mult-generational Americans have Black and/or Native American and/or Jewish blood. Usually two of the three.
Strom, you and many of your kind assert that this person or than has black or jewish blood based on appearance. Just look at Elvis, come on. He looks more ethnic than many of the people you call border rats.
Strom, who do you think you are fooling? It is absolutely nobody.
And turning your racist crap around, once you are called up on it, and pretending you are making some sort of deep sociological observation, is just cowardly bulls**t.
Yesterday was American Thanksgiving, but no one was giving thanks for turkeys like you.
What foolish accusations…..I have no favorite race and believe all to be equal, which is much more than many will say.
Doubt anyone can claim Elvis has black blood but his daughter was certainly made a fool of when she went on a short term spree with MJ.
Actually, its the black women, and now even Korean women who should be so up in arms that they dont seem up to the task of keeping their men interested. Black Tiki Barber jumped the fence:
Sal, Strom would never have worked with Hitler, who was a swarthy dirty little Austrian, rather than a member of the master-race. LOL!
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
So, strom, what is your favorite race? Now that you so clearly let us know you are not a racist, because we sure can’t tell from your every post. Just saying “i’m not a racist” and then saying the exact opposite in all your remarks isn’t enough you know. It’s too bad you missed your calling by several decades. Hitler sure could have used your sharp eye out in the field. You would have gotten a snazzy uniform to spiff yourself up in too, make your mama proud!
Lenny, Hitler’s relationships were A-OK. See:
strom, there alot of marriages that didn’t work and they were as white as you. Even Hitler had relationship problems, I sure you already know that.
Indy, LOL!!!
So, you started of in accounting…a counting the bears, a counting the deer, a counting the snakes….
SebCan: I stowed away on Noah’s Ark and lived to write about it.
BTW…Indy, no wonder you have so much faith in the bible — you were there when much of it was being written.
Strom you are only fooling yourself.
Elvis put it about quite a bit, which by your racist calculations would prove he has black blood.
Not a bit of racism ever……Elvis never pulled a Morgan Freeman and jumped the tracks or went for a family member….but Jerry Lee Lewis did go for a cousin.
How is Tony/Eva working out? Kim/Reggie?
Strom, does your racism have seasons? — spring ans summer is for blacks, fall and winter Jews?
And I am surprised you have not pointed out the likelihood that Elvis has black blood, and certainly Native America blood. Don’t wanna do that, huh?
Judging by the schnoz, that girl’s last name is far from Grey…it’s more like Cohen or Streisand, or Goldblum!
^^^^^^Oops, after delving into the memory bank, I remember that he had made Blue Hawaii earlier and I just told him of all his movies I thought this one was the best. He said it was his favorite too. Gee, what a great humanitarian, wish he would have given me a car.
Lenny…Amen. I met him outside a movie theater about a month after he had filmed “Blue Hawaii”. He was incredibly handsome and friendly; called me m’aam 3 times, even tho I was somewhat younger than him. There will never be another.
Elvis was and always will be the Man.
I missed that we didn’t get to see the Jennifer Gray who looked like this grow old. I like Jennifer Gray and if I were her I would have this in my Village loft, just for grins.
“Back To The Future” is everything……..
FAR FROM even ”kinda sorta ringer” no matter how you look at it…….dead ringer?? as you said NOT ……
He is hansome. HER not so much!!!