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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mia Farrow can hardly contain herself because she’s SO proud of her son Ronan Farrow. He was honored at the New York gala for Time magazine’s 100 Most influential People of 2018 for his explosive reporting of the Harvey Weinstein scandal along with reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey for the New Yorker. Oh, and did you know he also won a Pulitzer Prize for the same thing? Ronan is on top of the world right now and we can’t help wondering what his estranged father Woody Allen is thinking…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Hilary

    Ronan DOES look like Sinatra; there’s something in the pose, and the swagger. BUT… he also looks A LOT like John Farrow, Mia’s dad. Since two of Sinatra’s three children are still alive, a DNA test is doable.

  2. Mat

    Woody is probably thinking …that kid looks just like Frank.

  3. Wilson

    Read the court documents about Woody Allen.

    If you do, you won’t go to his films ever again.

  4. Gina

    The truth about him will come out soon. Woody is a genius filmmaker

  5. Daggers

    LOok closely at Ronan and you will clearly see Frank Sinatra.

  6. field 8

    Look up his grandfather, director John Farrow. He looks exactly like him.

  7. Diane M

    I can Old Blue Eyes in his face. I wonder if he can sing.

  8. Rebecca

    He is so clearly Frank Sinatra’s son.

  9. Gary Lewis

    Isn’t Ronan, Frank Sinatra’s son?

  10. willy

    so be glad he simply cant be a F@ggot with such a mom & horny dad.