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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We loved Reese Witherspoon in her first film, The Man in the Moon, but even then, we underestimated this southern girl. Turns out her father was a doctor and her mother a PHD, so she was blessed with smarts AND good looks. She’s been one of the highest paid actresses in the world, and now at 45, is also a successful producer (Type A Films). So it’s not surprising that she just purchased a 9,504 sq ft, 10 bath, 7 bedroom, home in Brentwood for 15.9 million. On three “park-like“ acres, no less! We were particularly enchanted by the TWO master his and hers bathrooms (the key to a successful marriage?) – HERS has a soaking tub, and the killer closet. We also love that the 1991 built house doesn’t look like a flashy McMansion- it looks homey.


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  1. Wilson

    Don’t you find her voice timbre hard to listen to for more than minute?

    She doesn’t have the chops/pull to headline anything herself, but seems to do ok in vehicles helmed by higher A list women.

  2. Hollywood is garbage

    I bet she’s one of those global warming nuts too. They live like this but they want us to live like roaches. Disgusting people.

  3. Diva

    Her arrest was hilarious! Do you know my name? and the cop said no.
    Reese thinks she is above the law because she’s made some movies.
    White privilege.

  4. Cheerio

    Janet, you are absolutely right, Reese is a genius, she even figured out that being a skinny, white, blonde chick gives you tons of privilege, one can’t forget the night she was pulled over while drunk and on video she flaunts all of her privilege. She’s an ugly POS, I hope she is not teaching her kids to behave so poorly.

  5. Huey P. Newton

    She calls it ‘White Privilege Plantation ‘ after her grandpappy’s slave plantation in South Carolina