We’ve always thought Charlize Theron was one of the great beauties in Hollywood – but a little cool and distant. Of course, the fact that she dated Sean Penn didn’t add anything positive to her aura. But as far as acting goes, she absolutely KILLS playing Megyn Kelly in the news drama Bombshell. Her performance is so subtle and on the mark that she was not recognizable. Of course she got help from special effects genius Kazu Hiro, who created 8 totally natural looking prosthetic pieces for her face to transform her into Kelly. Theron’s voice, mannerisms and attitude are beyond perfect! She BECAME Kelly and certainly earned the American Cinematheque Award she was given last night. Can’t help wondering what Megyn Kelly thinks …

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. She is the definition of “movie star.” She loses no points for her time with Penn. Men like him have a magnetic charisma that seems impossible to resist when they turn it on. Look at the list of women who’ve fallen prey to him.

  2. I liked MK on Fox News. She did a good job and was professional. She went to NBC (Nothing But Communism) for the money. And she got the mother lode!!! Good for her.

    Of course, NBC tried to remake her into some fluff piece and that wasn’t her. So not only did she get to leave that corrupt and disgusting network….she kept their money, too!

    I won’t see the movie because movies are too expensive and are usually crap. But I hope it reflects well on MK.

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