Just can’t help but wonder if Timothee Chalamet has regrets about destroying Woody Allen’s career. Timothee probably didn’t expect his behavior to have such a lasting effect on Woody’s life. Woody enjoyed working with Timothee in his film A Rainy Day in New York, according to Woody’s book Apropos of Nothing. A mutual friend told Woody that Timothee was advised to distance himself from Woody and donate his salary from Rainy Day to charity, because it would increase his chances of being nominated for an Oscar. (He did get a nomination for Call Me By Your Name, but no Oscar.) Following Timothee’s lead, other actors in Woody’s film started backing away from Woody and donating to Time’s Up also. They were afraid NOT to. Amazon dumped the movie, scrapped releasing it, and canceled Woody’s 4 picture deal. All this happened because Woody was accused of “molesting” his adopted daughter Dylan who was living with his bitter ex Mia Farrow. Two investigations found him not guilty and NO ONE ELSE ever accused Woody of such behavior. We think he’s innocent and you will too, if you read Woody’s book. Timothee should read Woody’s book…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Allen actually describes his relation ship with soon yi as “PATERNAL” as a FATHER he groomed her
FACT… woody was never found guilty in a YOU know why Janet??? there was no trial because dylan was too traumatized at the time. SO woody basically IGNORED soon yi for 12 years and suddenly becomes preyed upon her when she went to college……his claims of mia brainwashing the children includes the fact that every time he held ronan (satchel)
ronan would cry, he actually said this baby was brainwashed by MIA lie number 1 Mia never complained about his parenting HER complaints are documenteddr coates notes ( dyk=lans therapist) if fact dr coates worked with allen to get him to discontinue his inappropriate behaviors
lie number 2 the nude photos were for modeling…..soon yi was so painfully awkward and shy the famnily thought she would become a nun..allen claims soon yi asked him to take these pics so she could be a model…..makes no sense…these pics showed her naked with her legs spread far apart……..the troubling remarks allen made “I don’t know ,much about cameras” “there are no sex acts” “it was private”
Allen did once hire a professional photographer to take glamor shots of Soon-Yi, so he knew enough and was capable of actually helping her model in an appropriate way.
The “hit job” on Cosby worked because he was guilty of all those terrible things he did to women.Many of them will carry the scars of what he did for years to come. I can’t believe his wife has stuck by him. The difference is Woody Allen did nothing where Bill Cosby left decades of destruction behind him and was guilty.
Hit job on Cosby worked.
Mira Sorvino should be ashamed of herself. She got an Academy Award for her work in one of his movies. Woody Allen did NOT do anything to that girl. It’s obviously the work of a bitter Mia Farrow who brainwashed that girl and her other younger children. Something is wrong with a woman who must keep adopting children even though she is incapable of giving love and affection to the ones she has. I believe everything Woody Allen said in his autobiography and before anyone has the right to judge him they need to read his book. Over 50 years of movies and not one person has complained about any bad behavior. His career is still alive in Europe and his movies will be making a comback in US theaters soon. He IS a little eccentric but despite his being hurt by these horrible accusations he still writes and directs his films and most of his friends and costars don’t believe that crap. Mia Farrow, meanwhile, hasn’t made a good film since she stopped making his films and is now 76 years old. What a waste of time and energy. I hope she is proud of her legacy because no one will remember her as an actress. She will be known as the woman who was behind the worst smear campaign in Hollywood history and she failed. She picked on him because he looks like an easy target but failed to destroy him. I cant wait to see his newer films and an glad he wrote this book. It isn’t a generational thing either – Diane Keaton and Scarlett Johnanson came out to support him. The ones who didn’t are spineless cowards like Mira Sorvino.
huzzah to you Else Verwoerd. perfect!! i agree with everything you said X1000.
and same to you DanDan…. so sick of liars, manipulators, et al. seems dylan made a freaking career out of her so called childhood trauma. BASTA! move on.
i went thru some serious real shit when i was little and i am not famous so who cares? i survived. i thrived.
to paraphrase William Faulkner: There IS NO WAS…….
Dan Dan
What is difficult to get past about Woody falling in love with Soon-Yi? She was not his daughter or his step daughter and he said he had no real relationship with her when she was a child. He was in a relationship with Mia Farrow. There were a lot of kids always around. Given that Mia’s adopted children say that they were treated very much like second class citizens within her household, it’s possible that Woody spent very little time in Soon Yi’s
presence until she was an adult. Their relationship has certainly stood the test of time.
The thing with Soon-Yi though, it’s just hard to get past that…
Soon-Yi was in college when she and Woody got together – and they still are together…
Dan Dan
Timotheeeee has been reading to much of his own press. He’s ain’t all that. And his tiny little chin bugs me to twinkies, I mean, tears.
Fee Waybill
Polanski is Janet’s fave
janet loves defending faded stars who harm children. first pee wee herman and now woody allen. she must love jared from subway.
Else Verwoerd
I like facts. I hope you like facts too.
The fact is that Woody’s career is far from ‘destroyed’. His recent movie ‘A Rainy Day in New York’ has been shown in hundreds of cinemas in over forty countries across four continents. His autobiography, released last April, was an Amazon Bestseller. His new movie ‘Rifkin’s Festival’ was celebrated at the San Sebastian Film Festival, Spain – the very place where the movie was shot.
Woody Allen is doing fine.
In the meantime, American audiences are not doing fine.
To a substantial extent, American audiences have been captivated by ‘cancel culture’. They *love* to ‘do good’ by expressing opinions about people that are fashionable; and even when they don’t love it, they are pressurized to ‘do good’ by the ‘cancel mob’s seek for publicity.
Like Dylan Farrow called out a series of actors and pressurized them into publicly distancing themselves from Woody Allen. If they did not do so, Dylan reasoned, they were guilty of allowing child abuse.
What actor has the spine to resist false allegations of being a ‘child abuse apologist’?
Not all actors, it so appeared.
Timmy Spineless Chalamet didn’t. Even when he has no personal problem with Woody Allen, and witnessed nothing that raised his objection in any way, he decided to *denounce* Allen. And as he told Allen’s sister Letty Aronson, Timmy did so to increase his chances at winning an Oscar.
Greta Gerwig, Mira Sorvino, Rachel McAdams, Kate Winslet, Colin Firth, all actors who never grew a spine, and bowed to the pressure of the ‘cancel mob’.
In the meantime, the facts (do you like facts?) show that Allen has *never* been charged for any crime, and that the Farrows have *never* taken him to court. The facts show that Mia/Dylan Farrow’s allegation has been extremely well investigated, and that *all* child abuse expert parties did NOT find it credible. Because Dylan told various, conflicting stories, denied several times that she had been abused, and told things in an ‘overly rehearsed way’, as if she was ‘coached’ by her mother.
Two child abuse expert centers, a custody Judge, and a NY Adoption Board did NOT find Dylan’s story credible. Hence the State Prosecutor would *not* prosecute Allen for a total lack of evidence. And mommy Mia agreed to *not* prosecute, and she *never* took Allen to court in a civil trial.
Ask yourself why.
I think Woody is innocent too. Mia is very bitter, I understand he married her adopted daughter. I don’t think his career is ruined.