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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’ve always thought Offset had a dead-serious scary face and indeed, he does get into a lot of fights. In 2020 he rented a luxurious Bentley for $600 a day from Platinum Transportation Group. He stopped paying a month later and explained that he didn’t know WHERE the car was! PTG filed a police report for the missing Bentley, which was not found. They estimated they lost $100,000 on potential income for the absent vehicle. Offset ignored the situation and he has now been slapped with a $950,027.35 lawsuit. Coincidentally, he just bought his very excited wife Cardi B a house in the Dominican Republic for her birthday- we wonder if she has SEEN it yet….hmmm

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. JJ

    So many obviously paid PR posts, I know times are hard but seeing no talents, thugs, traffickers, woman beaters and serial sexual abusers walking around free & making millions of dollars while not paying their far share of taxes and writing off their trash conspicuous consumption lifestyle is always revolting to witness.

  2. Diva

    What a moron!

  3. Dan Dan

    He’s scum, no question. The question is why Janet is giving this scum publicity.