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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Diddy showed up at Bootsy Bellows for the Bad Boy Family Reunion after-party last night in a surprising outfit. He bumped into fellow performer Faith Evans on the way in and she was clearly amused by his attire. After all that macho posturing onstage at LA’s Forum, Diddy wrapped himself up in a long black and yellow dragon print silky kimomo for his grand entrance into the party. Maybe he’ll start a whole new hip-hop fashion trend.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Giada De Putana

    a cold blooded killer

  2. Palermo

    Hasn’t it been known for years that he bats for the other side as well

  3. Basket Weaver

    Mouth breathing clown.

  4. susieserb

    I thought this was Kanye at first??

  5. rowing

    he has a vagina now?