Fans are wondering whether Demi Moore, 48, will forgive Ashton Kutcher, 33, for fooling around with party girl Sara Leal, but Ashton might not WANT to be forgiven. Since this isn’t the first time he seems to have succumbed to temptation, it could be that Ashton has decided he didn’t get enough partying out of his system before he got married. Ashton and Demi started dating when he was 25. This year Ashton signed a 20 million dollar contract for “Two and a Half Men” and the show is a hit – many doors have opened for him. The fact that Ashton and Demi arrived at and left Kabbalah counseling in LA separately indicates they are NOT in agreement. Suddenly the age difference IS an issue.
Monday, October 3, 2011
redhaired dollbaby
I adored this couple and am totally sad to hear they may have had an open marriage. It just sounds like an oxymoron to me, why get married if you are going to sleep with other people? The idea of sharing a partner in a ‘threesome’…well,thats,over the top.
All the stuff everyone is saying about their 15 yr difference..its irrelevant.
I think he’d cheat even if married to the most gorgeous young model ever alive.
Ditching his wife for random young tramps doesn’t mean he has outgrown his marriage. It means he never grew at all and is still an immature boy.
I never understood his attraction to Demi in the first place… I guess I’m with the group that just doesn’t think she’s all that, bag of chips excluded… maybe he thought she must be really cool since she had been married to Bruce Willis? I find it sad that every time I see a pic of them, she’s holding on to him like she’s scared to let go… I hope that she decides to grow old gracefully instead of wanting to look “35” the rest of her life. As for Ashton? I’ve always thought he looks hot! 🙂
Demi has spent $250,000 over the years on her bod. She still in the face looks like a man.
forrest gump
ask her passport.
Taffy Davenport
I guess he got tired of the old stuff.
I’ll bet you have some experience on this, don’t ya red.
If you look at his modeling pics he really is a gorgeous man but his goofiness takes away from his good looks. As for Demi…I have NEVER understood the appeal of her….she looks like a guy in drag and is plain at best. The only reason her body looks good is because she spent 10k on an upgrade.
That’s kind of offensive, Pippa.
Janet, it does not sound like Ashton outgrew Demi. Quite the opposite, in fact. He never grew up enough to truly appreciate her.
pippa martins-st. onge
Why would he want to sleep with a 48 yr old dried out bag of bones when he can still get the
‘fresh’ ones?
dee cee
Not a nice married couple, they had girls and guys over to party with.. what are you talking about forgive him.. she gave him a license to cheat from the beginning, with her blessings., how ever the main rule of don’t get caught was not considered, and only party so I can join in.. happened because he didn’t respect the marriage in the first place..?
She’s an embarassment to her family trying so hard to be young forever and losing her self respect as a woman in the process. So much for “Empowered Females”.
Of course Ashton outgrew Demi. We all saw it coming. He was in lust for her for a few years but as his ego, celebrity status and bank account grew his lust turned into a humdrum, boring marriage!
He really deserves a kick in the nuts though for doing this to her. How humiliating for her to be duped by some scumbag punk! She should have known better but he has age and time on his side. What does she have, I mean she is no spring chicken although she still does look good. It has to be a dagger to her heart. I feel for her and hope this Dick gets what he deserves, besides the kick in the nuts!!
He must have a little bit of an Oedipus complex going on. Fifteen years is too much.
It will be interesting to see if he still wants to mess around with the more, ahem, mature girls.
Suddenly the age difference IS an issue.
Age difference is ALWAYS an issue!
Wonder if Ash will stay in contact with Demi’s three demon spawn, who lovingly referred to him as MOD (my other dad). He supposedly was close w/ them at one time and just like his own. These two are truly screwed up.
Is anybody surprised by the way this turned out? Open marriages rarely work if that’s what they had. No matter how many plastic surgeries she had eventually he was going to want somebody young. Every photo of them she is clinging desperately to his arm like he was about to run away (which he was) and he is just a big immature goofball.
I think he is sexy sexy sexy!!! Actually, I like both of them. I really hate when marriages/relationships break up. I liked these two together.
I thought they had an open door marriage kinda of thing going. Guess it just didn’t work for them.
The only doors that are opened for him are hotel doors. Is it really a shock in Hollywood these days?
He always looks like a dirty immature little punk. What does she see in this puke?!