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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Diane Keaton’s fashion never ceases to amuse us. She has a very specific style and likes her clothes and accessories so much she wears them over and over again. No waste there. She also piles on a ton of layers – even in the summer. You have to admire someone who can go to the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena when it’s 95 degrees, dressed in black from head to toe! Diane has a new HBO series, The Young Pope, with Jude Law and she plays a nun. We have the feeling she’s very comfortable in her nun clothes.

(Above, Diane was caught by surprise on the street in NYC)

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  1. Mona

    Can’t figure Diane out. She claims she “can’t wear [chic designer clothing],” but she’s always had a lovely figure. Body Dysmorphia, maybe?

    At times, she has dressed like the comic Father Guido Sarducci, from SNL years ago.

    She definitely doesn’t dress for California, as JC mentioned; if she lived on the east coast during the winter, she’d probably layer-up so much she wouldn’t be able to move. 🙂

  2. Strom

    Another oddball who is sainted but for what?

  3. DianeM

    Her kids must be so embarrassed.

  4. Rudy G

    The style of a street addict.