#demimoore #janetcharlton

Demi Moore is spending her 50th birthday in far-away places. Maybe she finally figured out there’s more to life than hanging out in Hollywood clubs with 20 year olds. She was one of the lucky celebrities invited to India for a lavish two day celebration thrown by Naomi Campbell for her billionaire boyfriend Vladimir Doronin, who also turned 50. Pampered guests arrived in chartered planes and stayed at a luxurious $1000 a night hotel. All the women were given custom designed fashions to wear to the decadent parties. Maybe turning 50 isn’t so bad, after all.
Photo via: Daily Mail

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  1. her next “assignment” is being a respected stand up comedian?

  2. Hay look at Sharon Stone.

    Demi can become a new spokesperson for AARP. It’s a great organization!

  3. WOW she looks so YOUNG!
    they say beautiful women go far in life.
    Make up make up make up 🙂

  4. She has no idea that she has it all…and that is her problem! She wants a younger man in her life because she fears death I believe, but chasing the younger man is one of her main problems…Look for your mate, your friend, someone you have common bonds with not a youth that makes you feel young, but a companion that makes you feel like you..were you never ever have to try or just are the best you with warts and all.

  5. She has always seemed to have an issue with her age, so I doubt anything is going to change.

  6. I never though she was very attractive but hope she overcomes the problems and moves on. Make an occasional movie and stay out of the headlines. Hopefully she won’t go BLACK!

  7. I love what she’s wearing, but she looks painfully thin.

    @diva, wish I knew. Hope Walt is well. I miss his posts.

  8. Don’t matter what age you are, it’s only a number. Be grateful you’re healthy, that’s what really matters.

  9. Strom, is just a vacuous pig, and no one cares about him, no one in the world, and Walt shouldn’t either, as Strom’s merely an insect, a man unworthy of regard.

  10. Consider the alternative to aging, Demi. She needs to embrace her age and just get on with her extremely lucky life. And quit chasing babies, you are better than that.

  11. Mish has it correct about Demi!

    Poor, so called linton has heard the tune of the Pied Piper it seems. All the usual suspects are probably lurking here under different names…maybe they can still coo coo each other but, really, It’s not about Poster’s!

  12. Poor ‘drea parrots others but is unable to provide any examples of my inaccuracy.

  13. strom, you’re the only one lurking under many different names.
    sttom, sheree lynee, me, reta, casonia, etc.

  14. The so called ‘Bluejay’ shows its true colors….I do not and have no need to either lurk or use other handles. Its a web site for comment…nothing more…except for JC and its a $$$$ machine with rusty gears.

  15. comments by all means, hatefully stupid racist comments no, not here, not anywhere, GO AWAY STROM !

  16. Poor ADP, joins the Pied Pipers…please advise of anything inaccurate!

    Listen to 1 line of a ghetto rappers trash and you hear the real racial hate.

  17. So two wrongs make a right, Dummy?
    I’m no Pied Piper, just bored of your inexcusable racism.
    Try and find some high ground, stupid.
    Blame yourself and your ilk for the death of the Republican party.

  18. Again to the point of the thread. I never thought Demi was very attractive but hope she overcomes the problems and moves on. Make an occasional movie and stay out of the headlines. Hopefully she won’t go BLACK!

  19. Pied Piper should stick to comments on threads, like everyone else, and not resort to screaming meanie fits and name calling of other posters.

  20. And that’s because…you’re calling the shots?
    Racism and anti semitism is the off topic subject of ALL of your responses to the threads. Practice what you preach then. Try and be nice.
    Or is that not part of the master plan?
    What’s the matter? You can sure dish it out!

  21. Patrick why bother ?

    Strom obviously has a severe and debilitating mental defect ( prove me wrong Strom, go on prove me wrong !! as you always say ! ).

    What ? that’s not proof you idiot, that’s just your prejudice showing again, that’s not actual proof ! show the proof Strom !

    Strom is clearly defective

  22. and this is news ?

    imagine what his parents think ?

    “yup, that’s my boy Strom, his girlfriends inflatable and he will never amount to nuthin, but he hates real good, like a champ “

  23. Ah, the Pied Piper and its followers..sitting high at the JC table BUT contributing nothing to the purpose of the website with comments on the thread at hand!

    Again, to the point of the thread. I never thought Demi was very attractive but hope she overcomes the problems and moves on. She is very thin and, unfortunately, has a druggie look. Hopefully she won’t disgrace herself ala Heidi, by going BLACK!

  24. Amazing that the so called “je Tam” would call people it doesn’t know such names. It should understand that this is a gossip site and the agenda of some of the posters is anything but commenting on posts.

    In “je Tam’s” home country such attacks would be met by a fierce beating.

    It’s not about poster’s. It’s about Demi, in this case!

  25. what’s amazing @Strom, is that you don’t realize how pathetic you are !

  26. What’s your fucking agenda, dummy?
    Sieg heil…right!
    I’ve beaten the shit out of pukes like you before breakfast.

  27. Poor Pied Piper…gets all ruffled up and puffs out its chest. Practicing at going ghetto!

    Again to the point of the thread. I never thought Demi was very attractive but hope she overcomes the problems and moves on. Make an occasional movie and stay out of the headlines. Maybe move to Europe and,hopefully, she won’t go BLACK!

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