Now this has to be the SADDEST explanation for a bad performance that we have ever heard. Partridge Family star David Cassidy, 66, slurred, forgot lyrics, and nearly fell off the stage at a recent concert in Miami. Since the former teen idol has had substance abuse and several DUI problems in the past, we assumed he was boozing it up again. But now he says he’s been diagnosed with early stage dementia and plans to retire. He said the condition runs in his family and he watched his mother suffer from it. And here we thought he was just having too much fun – he might have been self-medicating all along. In the past few years his wife divorced him AND he declared bankruptcy.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Sorry, that was not dementia. That was a man drunk off his butt on the hooch.

  2. he appeared drunk to me as well but what do we know?
    your balance is affected by this disease…… but alcoholism also causes damage to your brain as well over prolonged periods of ingestion so there’s that……
    good luck to david cassidy.

  3. Not saying he doesn’t have dementia, but I lost a parent to Alz, and have been around others suffering with different forms of it for decades.

    I feel sure his antics were caused by booze,and he was obviously drunk as could be. Good time for his announcement,but it just doesn’t fly as an excuse. He desperately needs treatment. I’m glad to read he’s retiring, none too soon. His traveling lifestyle is all too tempting.

  4. I’m not saying he doesn’t have some form of dementia but he looked drunk to me in the concert video.

    Could be the combination of dementia and alcohol/drugs are a horrid combination.

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