David Arquette’s shockingly honest interview with Howard Stern about what happened to his marriage clearly illustrates the difference between him and his estranged wife Courteney Cox .We can’t remember the last time we heard a celebrity tell his story with such endearing sincerity and without those hackneyed phrases supplied by their publicists. He even confessed that Courteney scolded him “I’m tired of being your mother!” David admitted they were separated, he emphasized that he still loves his “amazing” wife and he owned up to seeing another woman! And he didn’t blame the “other woman,” Jasmine Waltz, for leaking the story. He said it didn’t matter. Courteney must have been apoplectic when she heard the interview – honesty with the press is not her thing. She’s secretive and likes to control every aspect of her image. No WONDER these two split.
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She always struck me as a tightly wound, my way or the highway, bossy type. How that can be fun to live with is beyond me. I think she got the better deal out of that relationship, but was just to uptight to recognize it.
Good luck David. Marry well this time, and have a home full of joyful children.
The wrong personality types get together all the time. You are attracted to the same qualities that repel you later in the relationship. I always find that fact fascinating. Seems like his comments to Howard Stern will serve to further doom their marriage, or what was left of it.
Being your mate’s “parent” is never recommended or successful. I have seen David on several talk shows over the years and he gives off the quality of a 6 year old wearing a full grown “person suit” in that his cheesy goofy face never turns off or goes serious (even for a second) and he dresses in clown gear wherever he goes. The only way Courtney could have seen him dressed as a “man” would have been when he was “acting in some role and had to wear costume for the part.” Not saying I’m in total agreement with her either, but at least she has been full grown for some years now. I cannot BEGIN to imagine the overly immature David involved in a sexual affair with ANYBODY, let alone a smoking hot babe where he has to act like a real man and be “sexy”. But then again, maybe he has a complete clown wardrobe for the bedroom as well?! The very thought makes me want to burn my eyes out with a hot poker!
Knowing nothing more about it than what I read, I’m on her side, most of those Arquettes seem to be from a different planet. All flakes.
She needs a valium and he needs to GROW UP. And get a stylist!
‘She’s secretive and likes to control every aspect of her image’ What image? I can’t think of a more uninteresting milk toast woman, maybe with the exception of TV’s ‘Blossom’.
Finally that little runty creepy mustache is gone, and David can stop looking like a hitler mini-me.
Yeesh. Not these two AGAIN. When two non-entities divorce (or anything else), the world YAWNS in response.
Without the financial windfall of Friends (an ensemble show) Courtney would be doing 3 am infomercials and Arquette would be…who cares?
Maybe if they’d at least spawned a trifecta of supremely ugly daughters (and named them Hemingway, Arabella-Scheherazade and Skampe), there might be something interesting about them.
With his infantile ways, he’s probably telling the press….Nyah, nyah, she cheated first, with her co-star on Cougar. My fling was just payback time, but “we are still best friends”. Of course you are.
Oh dear, I wonder what this separation will do for the Scream franchise?
well put Reta!
Cox is one of those uptight control freaks typical of the women of my generation. She either liked the loose and crazy of Arquette or set about to try to control him and make him fit a mold. Either way, it was not going to last.
WHY is he running his mouth so much, he looks even stupider, it’s very low class to tell all he’s telling
but why was his second nam “Cheater”. folks?
This marriage seemed doomed from the start and it’s a shock it lasted this long. He seems just a goof ball and she seems like a control freak from hell and a person who throws up her food.
There is a huge difference between being honest and being so immature that you feel the need to spill intimate details about your marriage to Howard Stern and the slobbering dolts who make up his audience. Courteney Cox is well rid of this doofus.
Arquette is hardly the first celeb to go spill his guts on Stern’s show. Many have done it for the publicity – to promote a book, show or movie – and did it when Stern was much more significant and had a bigger following (before he jumped to satellite radio). Maybe Arquette is being vindictive, but he was candid, and any day when a celeb says something without his PR team going over it is a very good day as far as I am concerned.
his sister , patricia arquette is also known for not being at all interested in maintaining the facade of celebrity.
i never understood this couple.
One of the things I always liked about Arquette is that he seemed open and honest and didn’t spout bs platitudes like so many in Hollywood. I may be wrong, but I think he is on the level about his feelings.
Children or one single child is not a reason to stick around and this man is handsome and rich and charming and woman are waiting for him to be single….Once and for all and so they can have there way with him.
If he ever gets the balls to leave her and divorce her and claim his freedom again he is not going to be alone?
Some one telling you what to do gets old after a while but how much can a man take of this crap and matter of fact staying with her is useing up something he will never get back again and that is his youth.