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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Teenage bride Courtney Stodden and her 51 year old husband Doug Hutchison did their best to make a scene at The Grove Sunday. Courtney inappropriately stuffed herself into a black skintight cocktail dress with a plunging neckline and high platforms and sashayed her way into Victoria’s Secret (where else?) to pick up some undies. Doug looks like he’s wearing platform shoes, too. Get a load of the faces on those people watching them pass by….

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  1. Sara

    Skin tight dress today………Playboy tomorrow. She is a slut! Has been hubby will stay around as long as he can get some freebies.

  2. PR Guru

    WOW!!!! How sad is this couple!

  3. Disgusted

    Her mother should be brought up on “pimping and pandering” charges. This is so friggin SICK.

  4. truth

    BTW ..Whats up with the boyfriend dudes chin? is that a scare or a deep wrinkle?

  5. truth

    Girlfriend..go find a good colorist your hair is the nasty foiled ash blond. It look grey! which in turns makes you look 20 years older.
    Come in to Beverly Hills and we’ll get the nasty shit fixed.

    you must be from the mid west…no style!

  6. Pippa Martins-St. Onge

    This is the new America, driven by $787 billion dollars of bailout money borrowed from China. Enjoy!

  7. Bluejay

    We’re supposed to be impressed she bought Victoria’s Secret cheap crap? And, why don’t her boobs tan?

  8. RHC in FLA

    Yuck! I am soooo sick of these wanna be celebrities. I hope they burn out as quickly as Heidi and Spencer did.

  9. Strom

    Make up and shades cover up an ugly face in her case too.

  10. forrest gump

    the CHEAPEST way a bimbo like this can act is dressing up like an whore & tell people you’re hoping to be a new sort of ” Call Girl”.

  11. Kitty


  12. Parker

    She should team up with former hottie and current crazy character Angelyne. They could both go to drugstores and sell tshirts out of their trunk and pose for a flat fee.

  13. Elizabeth

    Ugh disgusting. And he is just beyond creepy. What is wrong with her mother allowing this???? The look on the kids face is priceless. He has more common sense than the both of them combined.

  14. Denise

    Is there a typo in your headline Janet? I thought perhaps she was looking to be the new “Ick” girl. If so, she has succeeded.

    Poor little tyke behind her looks like he’ll be stunted for life.

  15. Barbara

    This chick looks so much better without the 6 pounds of makeup and hair products she’s wearing. I guess she’s trying to carry on the trashy Pamela Anderson look.

  16. Seriously?

    Don’t you mean “teenage” bride?

  17. Colin

    Just what the world doesn’t need.

  18. Little Jack Horner

    Wonder if she had to dig in someone’s trash for the Victoria Secret’s bag. He looks a little like a girl himself.

  19. Strom

    It worked for the Kardashians

  20. Patrick

    You just don’t see that shit in my neighbourhood.

  21. Palermo

    My face is mirroring the little boy’s right now

  22. Mel Zipskin

    Sick fame whoring low class couple

  23. Muffie!!

    Oh shit, I thought this grousome twosome got lost in some pumpkin patch?!