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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#courtneylove #janetcharlton

Courtney Love has sold a lot of her wardrobe on eBay and now she’s introducing her own special collection of “rock chick” clothing that’s called “Never the Bride.” It’s everything from lingerie to pantsuits with a Victorian/Edwardian edge. Many vintage garments are pieced together and heavily embellished. Very reminiscent of Courtney’s thrashed stage look in the early “Sid & Nancy” years. We bet Taylor Momsen will be the first one in line for this.

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  1. Jae Min

    Just saying it is Sogo last season, me, and pointing out that it was ripped off. Asia, Courtney, whatever it was on the racks.

  2. Diane

    I do too Jenny

  3. Jenny

    Frighwig was an all women band as as such were disrespected and not taken seriously. They were talented. Love is not. I feel sorry for her daughter.

  4. lol

    Didn’t Frightwig come from SF? And couldn’t play?

    As far as the Asian look thing, I think Jae is talking about the Lolita look? Interesting fashion.

    What I love about the fashion trends in Asia is that they wear outrageous stuff as teens and 20’s and then go right into corporate culture and act as mean and evil as ever. lol.

  5. Honoria

    Courtney stole her look from Frightwig! They were the first to have the punk dirndle look.

  6. me

    Not to defend C Love.. but this look seems to have come from the nineties punk/grunge look… did the asians come up with that hole genre too Jae Min? Not really.

  7. Jae Min

    This look has been worn in Asia for years and even sold in Sogo. Courtney just borrowed someone else’s line, but hey that is common in Asia so not shocking NAND not original. Yawn n

  8. Bluejay

    Love all of it, but don’t know where I’d ever where the hat.

  9. Diane

    I could go trash picking and find better shit …Cortney always looks like she has BO

  10. Pippa Martin-St. Onge

    Total and complete rubbish.

  11. Steve Canyon

    I’m sure they have some work to do over there.
    ……….SO PLEASE JOIN THE “Ralphs/Wal Marty TEAM!!

  12. mish mash

    You can bet Sears won’t be carrying this line. They learned their lesson with the Kardashians.