Ok, we weren’t going to bother spreading this story, but whenever we tell it to anyone they encourage us to do so. So here we go. Keep in mind this is a RUMOR, but it explains a lot. The story goes that when Katie Holmes split with her exboyfriend Chris Klein in March 2005, she may or may not have realized she was pregnant with his baby. She started dating Tom in April, 2005, and according to this tale, when Tom found out she was expecting, he not only didn’t MIND , but he insisted on taking credit for the pregnancy. They abruptly got engaged in June 2005. Since the baby was scheduled to be born too soon into their relationship, Tom and Katie faked the birth date. She actually gave birth months EARLIER than the announced birth. She wore padding for the last few months after the REAL birth, and made sure she was photographed. In case you don’t remember, Suri’s announced April 18 birth was oddly undocumented – there were no hospital records or specifics. Where WAS Suri born? Tom and Katie didn’t want their baby photographed because it would be apparent that Suri wasn’t newborn. After a few months it’s not so easy to recognize a baby’s exact age. Have you noticed that Suri has uniquely slanted eyes like Chris Klein? Keep in mind this is simply a rumor – form your own conclusions.
Tom Cruise is GAY. End of story. I don’t think the kid is his.
The baby is Klein’s. Or it was adopted. It’s definitely not Tom’s. Tom is gay. He became a Scientologist to try to “fix” himself and become straight. He’s afraid to come out because he’s homophobic, he’s afraid he won’t appeal to women anymore, and the Scientologists are worried it’ll be bad PR and he’ll lose his box office cred and (more importantly), they’ll lose their cash cow. Katie is being payed to play the role as “wife” and mother of his child. Tom is sterile. Nicole did not miscarry Tom’s child — it was Ewan’s. They had a fake, “contract” of a marriage, and she was paid to stay with him. The Scientologists ordered Tom to leave her because it might come out that the child wouldn’t resemble Tom, and the world would know their marriage was a sham.
I’m just sorry to see these women keep getting pulled into this sick guy’s web. Is it money? In Nic’s case, the marriage was said to help her career. It’s certainly not helping Katie’s…
The baby is Klein’s. Or it was adopted. It’s definitely not Tom’s. Tom is gay. He became a Scientologist to try to “fix” himself and become straight. He’s afraid to come out because he’s homophobic, he’s afraid he won’t appeal to women anymore, and the Scientologists are worried it’ll be bad PR and he’ll lose his box office cred and (more importantly), they’ll lose their cash cow. Katie is being payed to play the role as “wife” and mother of his child. Tom is sterile. Nicole did not miscarry Tom’s child — it was Ewan’s. They had a fake, “contract” of a marriage, and she was paid to stay with him. The Scientologists ordered Tom to leave her because it might come out that the child wouldn’t resemble Tom, and the world would know their marriage was a sham.
I’m just sorry to see these women keep getting pulled into this sick guy’s web. Is it money? In Nic’s case, the marriage was said to help her career. It’s certainly not helping Katie’s…
oh I thought she was a virgin before Tom!
Michele - Calgary, Alberta Canada
After looking at pictures of Suri and Chris, it could be VERY plausable that she is his, however, don’t you think by now that, with all of these types of rumors floating around, he would have requested a paternity test??? Whoever Suri was biologically created by doesn’t really matter. What matters is that she is healthy AND loved by her parents (whoever they may be).
Scientology is NOT a religion. It’s an occult.
Aaron Eckhart is the father of Katie’s baby. She hooked up with him while making “Thank you for not smoking”. Pull up pictures of him if you need to…Suri’s eyes are identical Aaron’s (color/shape). Katie started dating Tom at the end of filming. It is not Chris Klein’s baby.
Is the the next RoseMary’s baby? IS the second coming . . . coming? LOL. I’ve read alot of the comments and some people seriously don’t know how to take a joke or for that matter a well deserving stab and TomKat.
I believe the story! :-p
you are all a bunch of loserz trying to comment on this. GET A LIFE. For those of u commenting on other religions, you are a racist.. this is what got the whole world into this big fucking mess. Thanks to you, you piece of *%^*”*
Ok that kid looks exactly like Tom Cruise from the nose up and looks like Katie from the nose down. My daughter had that much hair when she was born, not all baby’s are born bald. Another thing she wouldn’t look like a newborn in the photos seeing as how she is 4 months old.
There is NO way Tom is Suri’s father…have you SEEN the Vanity Fair pics?
She doesn’t look like Tom or Katie! But she does have a strong resemblace to Chris. Imagine that.
thats it. it’s got to be. i mean.. katie holmes is from ohio for crying out loud. she’s no scientologist. that would also explain why the kid isn’t an alien. LOL
“I beleive that Tom and Katie had sex and then came the baby..
All the other stories out there are started buy jealous gays that are mad cause Tom does not want them.
September 7, 2006 5:15 AM
Posted by: Anonymous”
What the fuck do gays have to do with this!
All negativity aside about Tom Cruise’s over the top recent behaviour and given the fact that he is a great actor – a true superstar: I believe the baby isn’t his and possibly not even Katie’s. Both parents have naturally brown hair not blue black like the baby’s but yet everybody’s hair is made to match. The Vanity Fair pictures seem artificial to me like something isn’t right. If I’m wrong then I’m sorry for the injustice but Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes from the beginning looked like they were putting on an act and baby Suri with her older baby looks and definite Asian resemblance is bound to raise doubt.
I think the baby is a cyborg.
Like her daddy.
rashell @ deeksdigs[dot]com
For what it’s worth, I CAN’T STAND TOM CRUISE! It’s a running joke amongst my friends, that he
just leave the baby alone for God sake! she’s innocent!
who really cares???
I have long since stopped being a fan of Tom’s but HIS baby is beautiful and she looks a lot like Tom.
Could be true. Tom is a scientologist and unfortunately part of scientology is not telling the truth. Hubbard even wrote it himself … in order to control people you have to lie to them.
Tom is delusional. Katie, verdicts out on her. Is she caught in the web of lies or part of them?
I feel sorry for Suri. Hopefully she will grow up and realize Scientology is full of BS and be the one to help Tom & Katie out of this mess that they are in!
Ethan – good info on the link that you posted. Thanks!
The South African native is probably the one impossible person to train in the entire world—he is probably impossible by any human standard.
-L. Ron Hubbard, PAB No. 119, 1 September 1957, as published in Level 0 PABS (c.1968, The American St. Hill Organization)
A “black South African’s” withholds read not only on the needle [of the E-meter] alone but on the Tone Arm [sensitivity adjustment] as well.
-L. Ron Hubbard, E-Meter Essentials, section I: “Meter Oddities”, 1988 (pg. 24)
Just as individuals can be seen, by observing nations, so we see the African tribesman, with his complete contempt for truth and his emphasis on brutality and savagery for others but not for himself, is a no-civilization.
-L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought, Bridge Publications: Los Angeles, 1997.
…the Zulu is only outside the bars of a madhouse because there are no madhouses provided by his tribe. … primitives are far more aberrated than civilized peoples. Their savageness, their unprogressiveness, their incidence of illness …
-L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, 1995.
Unlike yellow and brown people, the white does not usually believe he can get attention from matter or objects.
The white goes further. He often believes he can get attention only from whites and that yellow and brown people’s attention is worthless. Thus the yellow and brown races are not very progressive, but, by and large, saner.
-L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought, Bridge Publications: Los Angeles, 1997
Its anazing how the opposing views and protestations put forth by scirentologists are the total dupilication of LRH’s himself. This is how scienmtology works, the agreement and duplication of LaFayette Ronald Hubbard. wonder Scientology HATE the Internet
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, “Off the Time Track,” lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418
While I’ve ALWAYS thought Tom is gay, this rumor is a little bit ttoooo out there for me. Katie was looking VERY thin and jet-setting all over the place when she and Tom were first seen noodling around. I think he decided to try making love to a woman, and w/ Katie being so young and virile — she got pregnant. It’s worked to his advantage… Doubt they will ever marry. Plus, I really think Suri has KATIE’S eyes — which are kind of squinty, too! 🙂
Damn, Janet…looks like you got Xenu really mad this time. I guess it’s true: where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I wouldn’t have paid much mind to the story except for the pure anger that has come out here.
what the hell is wrong with you people? i am sick and god damn tired of this, i happen to now the cruise family personally and even saw the, yes, NEWBORN suri two days after her birth which WAS in april. i came accross all these disgusting articles merely looking online to see the furst public pictures of the beautiful baby whom i have not seen in a while, and this is what i find? you sick sons of bitches need to get your own lives and leave ALL of us alone. this is a BABY for the love of god, do not let this poor child or her siblings here these terrible things. say whatever you want about Tom or even Kate, but the fact is that the media is making fools out of you all.. look at you, its pathetic, beleiving everything you here about them! they are two geniune amazing nice NORMAL people.. so you just keep listening to all the shit they make up and keep making an ass out of yourselves by making the people who print these disgusting stories rich. beleive tom is crazy, he can handle it, but leave the god damn BABY alone! she is preciouse, human, and REAL and the fact that you all would spread rumors about an inocent child is the ONLY inhuman thing going on here. YOU are the freaks and YOU are the insane ones. what are you, third graders? get a grip, stop entertaining yourself at the expence of an infant. NONE of these rumors are true, let it be known. you should all be ashamed of yourselves
This story is crap. I can’t even believe a co-worker of mine would spread this dirty story!!
Have you ever wondered why all the time Tom was with his first wife Mimi and the second one Nicole he never had any kid? this sounds about right to me. All of a sudden the sperm is working? I don’t think so! He and Nicole had to adopt!
There is only one other man that could be the father. Here’s a hint: The Church of Scientology.
Look here for photographic (coughs) evidence:
There will always be morons who believe their religion is the true religion. Be it Muslims, Christians, Witnesses, or Scientsillies.All control cults! The reality is when you pass. It gets real dark and quiet. Regardless of faith. Live Life!!! Thats all there is!!
It’s just a baby! Leave her alone!
i think that the baby, looks just like tom..i dont like tom, or agree with his opinons, but hes a person too, and deserves us all to quit speculating on his life, because if we looked at each other we would all be as fucked up too
Here’s how the normal world found out about Xenu.
In a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles between $cientology & an individual, $cientology filed papers with the Federal Court there with the story of Xenu. When $cientology realized what had happened, they tried to seal the file or withdraw the papers. It was too late, some one had gotten there & made copies of the Xenu papers & the completely insane story got out!
I think that Katie Holmes is right… the shit you make up is both hurtful and cruel in its intent.
I hope you can sleep at night.
If that were true, which I doubt, I don’t think Chris would go for that. He was with Katie a long time, so I dont think he woud deny his child with her. I dont think thats a true story. Suri looks like Tom to me.
If that were true, which I doubt, I don’t think Chris would go for that. He was with Katie a long time, so I dont think he woud deny his child with her. I dont think thats a true story. Suri looks like Tom to me.
If that were true, which I doubt, I don’t think Chris would go for that. He was with Katie a long time, so I dont think he woud deny his child with her. I dont think thats a true story. Suri looks like Tom to me.
That baby definitely looks older than she’s supposed to be! I believe this story…
Whatever type of drugs you are using please stop.
The baby was 4 1/2 months old when the photos were taken, not 3 1/2. If this theory is true, then Suri would be like 8 or 9 months old now. That is just a silly thought. No one is ever happy. Everyone made a big deal out of not seeing her, now she is out there and everyone is still bashing. Sad, sad, sad.
I agree the baby looks like Katie, but not Tom. I agree the baby looks too old be only 3 1/2 months old. The story has a ring of truth to it.
First..this is a gossip website..that said…the serious Scientologists making comments in defense of their “religion” need to remember…you’re reading this “stuff” too….everyone will always comment on everything…..but it has been said for many years that Tom is gay….who cares….that the relationship is fabricated…who cares…it’s gossip…we’re here at this site reading it because we enjoy this trivial nonsense…and not for nothing – it’s easier to read this stuff than the real news….our country is a mess, our leadership is bogus and the state of the world is scary right now…so…if you people really wanna get your panties in a knot defending your religion so be it…but remember…you’re defending it on a gossip website…now really folks…
And Sally, I certainly hope you make it as an actress….lighten up….look where you are.
i think Suri looks like Tom Cruise than Chris Klein
Who cares? That’s the real question.
OH MY GOD!! I totally Believe it!!
Suri is supposed to be 3 1/2 months at the time of the photo shoot.
This is a 3 1/2 month old baby
I believe it is true. It also explains why Cruise was flying all over Europe to promote Mission Impossible right when his wife was suppose to be expecting. He sure seemed calm about the whole thing.
Janet must be wetting her pants with excitement for all the comments, since she usually is lucky if 2 people comment on a story.
So when I first read this theory, I thought that it was completely pathetic. 24 hours later, I completely believe it. Katie has genuinely looked heartbroken for the last year. Why? They keep saying it is because of mean, evil Tom. Something about that does not make sense to me. I mean, this is a girl who is smart, scored higher than any of us on her SAT and was admitted to Columbia. Why wouldn’t she just leave Tom if he were that big of an asshole? Look at the stories about Chris Klein, he was an asshole too, but if you look also at the pictures of them together, she looked happy and in love. She does not look like she loves Tom, and he looks at Suri like she is a stranger. Yep, Janet, I belive you.