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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


When it comes to fashion, This Is Us star Chrissy Metz faces plenty of challenges. It’s not easy to find appealing and stylish clothing in large sizes. And busy actresses need a LOT of outfits! She startled many people with her latex dress at the MTV Awards but it was NOT tight and actually fit her well. She obviously loves clothes and that makes her continuing weight struggle even more painful. It was rumored that it was written into her series contract that her character had to lose weight but Chrissy says that’s NOT true. Happily, she DID acquire a boyfriend a few months ago – a camera man on her show.
(Above, Chrissy looks cute dressed up for the Jimmy Kimmel show)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Staci Goodson

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  2. Paula

    That looks awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lauren Phillips

    going for the shame

  4. lippp

    Her weight is unhealthy. She is a candidate for diabetes if she isn’t diabetic already. Her life span is significantly shortened and she has increased her probablity of a heart attack significantly. I had an employee who was as big as this person. She had a twin equally as obese. Both died before the age of 53!!! So let’s not celebrate obesity as if it is something that should be excused. It is a disease as per the American Medical Association and needs treatment before it becomes deadly.

  5. Diva

    She looks cute.

  6. limpy

    XXXXXXXL-Thongs made a Re Entry……………