
How many foxes had to give up their lives so Chris Brown and Karreuche Tran could look glamorous at Fashion Week in New York? One is too many. Chris and Karreuche were a decorative addition to the front row at Michael Costello’s fashion show. Chris Brown seems drawn to socially unacceptable behavior when it comes to animals as well as people. He BREEDS Pit Bulls (when there are thousands in cages at animal shelters, desperate to be rescued) and now he and his girlfriend drape themselves in what appears to be animal fur.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Don’t forget he is a girlfriend beater and he beat his own mother when he was in rehab.

  2. These folks have little or no regard for anyone else much less the animal kingdom.

    Selfish, self-centered and arrogant. Yet American culture idolizes, promotes and celebrates them.

  3. just a druggie.

    and he used to be a cute kid WITH talent.

    drugs did him in.

  4. “…in what appears to be animal fur.”

    First, NOT a Chris Brown fan. But, you’re not even SURE it’s fur, and you’re condemning him?

    A couple of days ago, Kanye was a burglar. The more I look, Janet, the more racist you appear. You’ve been suspect for some time as it is. Care to comment?

  5. I don’t give a about, whetter it’s fur or not.

    …………..HE IS A LADY BEATER,this makes him a super-loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Strom-

    The most racist, classless mind in the whole forum. Do not address me. Name the time and place, I bet I’ll beat the shit out of you.

  7. Poor little imposter….tries to make a funny. Go back to your hovel and maybe Frank will visit you after he finishes his “March for Obama”!

  8. Here in the trailer park when the neighbours see me coming on my extra wide scooter. They Flee.

  9. Send this criminal to prison. Stop funding his crime riddled lifestyle

  10. what is a “real” Strom ?

    well, he’s a racist and a homophobe for sure, he’s real oily little coward frankly, he’s anally obsessed, probably a closeted bull dyke lesbian, Strom’s evidently, pathologically insecure and chronically envious, in short, yet another sub-literate, unemployable high school dropout – who likely, still lives in his poor mom’s basement with his inflatable latex girl friends … oh, and he lies, a lot, especially, about being in the military, cause he’s too short, way too fat and far too dull witted to have ever served, except for maybe at Taco Bell

  11. Poor bella or whatever your name is, this time. So full of hate toward posters.

  12. Poor Frank….always blaming racism on the lack of success of BLACKS. One look at this picture shows exactly why the majority of young BLACKS are unable to read, write, or speak a complete sentence without dropping down into ghetto Ebonics.

  13. Poor poor Frank….give him a forum and he becomes the King of the Reparations Society!

    Having Chris and Karuche as role models is nothing but a loser for the BLACK race. Ghetto cruzer lifestyle is the in thing….work is the out thing, Obama is the hero!

    By Frank
    On February 19, 2015 at

    “…in what appears to be animal fur.”

    First, NOT a Chris Brown fan. But, you’re not even SURE it’s fur, and you’re condemning him?

    A couple of days ago, Kanye was a burglar. The more I look, Janet, the more racist you appear. You’ve been suspect for some time as it is. Care to comment?

  14. As mentioned, having Chris and Karuche as role models is nothing but a loser for the BLACK race.

    Having Jlo as a role model for Hispanics is an equal joke, sell them overpriced junk so she makes a buck!

    Ghetto cruzer lifestyle is the in thing….work is the out thing, Obama is the hero!

  15. Absolutely, Karuche has been even more willing than Jlo to give up all manner of self respect to remain in the headlines. As a biracial, without any talent and just fair looks, she was happy to perform any “service” to service BLACK Chris just to be seen in his presence.

    She is a disgrace to the Vietnamese race.

  16. As mentioned, having Bella, Chris and Karuche as role models is nothing but a loser for the BLACK race.

    Having Jlo as a role model for Hispanics is an equal joke, sell them overpriced junk so she makes a buck!

    Ghetto cruzer lifestyle is the in thing….work is the out thing, Obama is the hero!

  17. Strom, evidently you desperately need psychiatric help, and Janet do you encourage such featureless hatred and stupidity ? seemingly so

  18. Poor shelia, maybe you can help Frank.

    Please advise of anything inaccurate, you can’t, there isn’t.

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