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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Cher is on her Here We Go Again tour in London, but she’s keeping tabs on the US news. She offered to pay legal expenses for the Wisconsin school district security guard who was fired under outrageous circumstances. The black guard repeated the n-word when asking a student to stop calling him the same slur! The school touts the fact that they have a “zero tolerance policy” and the guard was terminated. Negative publicity inspired the school board to “review their policy,” but this entire n-word situation is getting out of hand…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Irma

    @Rae, I’m with you 100% as well. Nowadays people are barely allowed to open their mouths! Land of the Free??? My a$$!!! Land of freaking snowflakes that take offense at absolutely everything.

  2. Rae

    Janet, what is wrong with your readers?! Bravo to Cher for offering to use her own money to help this man! This no tolerance rule is unrealistic and it is an example of political correctness run amuck in the 21st century. I agree with you, Janet, 100%!

  3. avi

    No one should use that word without people protesting. Or any other offensive word. We know what they are.

  4. Beachy

    Cher is an over-the-hill has been with a blase voice. Who really cares WHAT she thinks. She can just stay in London. No need for her to come back to the states.