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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


chaz than and now

Right Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

This new photo of Chaz Bono was featured on and they commented on Bono’s fresh buzz cut but we noticed that he seems to be making definite progress in his gradual gender re-assignment. If we’re not mistaken, Chaz looks like he might have had surgery to remove his breasts. Chaz’s chest looks more masculine. In fact, he looks more boyish altogether. Chaz is documenting every step of the sex change ordeal in a book to be published in 2011, and we can’t wait to read it. Hopefully, he will eventually get a grip on his weight.

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  1. D. Duck

    This is a -HUGE- mistake, in more ways than one. rotflmao

  2. pinkstar

    Maybe she knows that sexuality is between your ears and not between your legs
    The brain messes it all up..
    Sex is between the legs

  3. concerned citizen

    To those who are wondering about Chaz’s girlfriend it is QUITE possible that she is attracted to Chaz as a person not as a female or male. Maybe she knows that sexuality is between your ears and not between your legs.

  4. Paula

    CindyLou, maybe that makes “him” hetero, but it sure doesn’t make his girlfriend hetero

  5. Gonzo

    Well…all I have to say is “THAT’S OUR CURLY!” I know they are making a 3 Stooges movie right now and not to insult he/she but Chaz would probably be outtasite as Curly Howard in the film…serious! I don’t see a Curly listed in the cast yet either:

  6. Rhonda

    isn’t her girlfriend a lesbian? yes, I’m confused PLEASE I don’t want your education.

  7. Rhonda

    While granny might not get a hip-replacement if she is to old under Obamacare, Question: Will procedures like this be available?

    Watching Chasity’s weight escalate aren’t there more pertinent questions her Mom and doctors need to be concerned with more than her sexual idenidy?

  8. Bambi

    The world is watching in shock and awe. Look for fireworks soon between Chaz and the woman he is living with. The sex part will have a bad end sooner or later, that is, if his heart doesn’t give out first from carrying all that extra weight.

  9. Mary Ann

    Bebe, you need to study biology. No, everyone is NOT conceived as a female. The male sperm carries either the XX (female) chromosome for sex determination or XY (male) chromosome. The sex of the child is determined at conception.

    Babies develop as either little boys or girls. There are some rare anomalies, but they are just that anomalies where something goes wrong physiologically.

    All this LGBT stuff is people living in a dream world making their own virtual reality. Chastity Bono is a woman no matter how much she mutilates her body and she is obviously a disturbed young woman. Her name is legion in our sex-obsessed, lust-driven culture, what Pope John Paul II called a “culture of death.” Part of that death is the death of reason and the ascension of insanity.

  10. BeBe

    He’s not confused you fools, he’s Transgendered. You people are the reason why it’s not more well known. Do you idiots even realize that EVERY human is conceived as female? Then through hormones you either stay female or become male. Then you have the ones that go awry and become transgendered. It’s a fact whether you except or not. How sad your lives are so miserable you attack something you obviously don’t understand just make yourselves feel better.

  11. Rolling Eyes

    Chastity was such an adorable little girl on the Sonny and Cher Show. She’s one mixed up person now, that’s for sure. Whatever she wants to be, I wish her luck with it.

  12. CindyLou

    He is lucky to still have so much hair. Most FTM trans go bald from all the hormones. They get hairy everywhere else and lose it on their head. He definitely has some weight issues, but a lot of people do. So what. His weight like his gender is his business. And to be clear, gender has nothing to do with your sexuality. He finds women sexually attractive, but identifies as a man. That makes him hetero, I believe.

  13. Generation X

    I’m surprised they would operate since she was about 150 pounds overweight.

  14. dee cee

    It is well documented that Chastity was seduced by a female friend of Cher when she was a teen; this no doubt left an indelible impression.
    When a young person’s first sexual experience is with someone of the same sex, it is almost impossible to go back.

  15. concerned citizen

    Personally I believe Chaz needs to do whatever he/she needs to make himself whole. None of us know what he has been thru and if this helps then so be it. He seems like a really decent person. I wish him the best of luck and hopefully once his gender issues are resolved he can focus on getting healthy on other levels.

  16. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Is she getting ad-a-dictomy surgery?

  17. Mother Hen

    Cher is not OK with this, now matter what she says.

  18. Sally in Chicago

    To Nursie: Yes, in Chastity’s book she stated that the “nanny” or babysitter was the one that turned her out.

  19. Sally in Chicago

    Pinkster took the words out of my hands….if she was gay, and now she’s a different gender…I’m sure this is all confusing…how do you go from being a gay woman to a man?

  20. sari

    Oh how sick and twisted…

  21. Nursie

    Both of Cher’s children are sexually confused. That is what happens when one puts career before children and leaves their kids in the care of any Tom, Dick or Harriet. Didn’t an adolescent Chasity have a sexual affair with Cher’s friend Joan Stevens? That is called child abuse people! Don’t have kids if you can’t watch them your self!

  22. Paula

    I think “Chaz” would do better to have a lot of psychiatric help, he/she is not a happy person and becoming a so called man is not going to help. As the above poster said, if his girlfriend likes women, will she stay with a semi-man? So many famous people have very screwed up kids

  23. Bettye Bluejay

    Those are all giant-sized bags of fast food.

  24. pinkstar

    I don’t understand any of it..
    If she and her girlfriend are gay
    then why is she trying to be a man?
    Won’t her girlfriend leave her for a
    women now?

  25. gay tallywacker

    Will he get a penis surgically? And will it get erect? Just curious.

  26. Dieter Shumacher-Berlin

    Only in America can such a disgusting event take place. The world is watching with great distaste. What could possbly be next? Sex with animals or interspecies marriage?

  27. Patrick

    They let you online in that asylum, Captain?
    Reta…your a fatty and everyone knows it.
    Good luck Chaz.

  28. captain america

    this piesce a shit loves muffins, folks?

  29. Reta

    Sorry, but cutting off your breats and hair and gaining another persons’s weight all again does NOT make you a man. There is still a uterus inside and vagina outside. It’s just a very messed up PERSON. Hope she/he can get her stomach stapled soon and get the morbid obesity under control. If “he” is so happy now that he is doing what”he” wants after all these years, then why has he gained to twice his already fat size? THAT’S an unhappy, unstable person there!!

  30. pig

    So, I’m sure that Cher approves, yes, yes, yes she does. She has said that Chastity must do what her heart and head tells her. Yes, she doesn’t care that she now has a big fat, very big fat, bouncing baby boy.

  31. clementine

    I wish him well in all endeavors.