Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
What kind of people are out there who resent the idea of Chaz Bono competing on “Dancing With The Stars?” We were shocked by the fact that Cher had to defend her adult child against haters on internet websites. Granted, Chaz’s desire to change genders is VERY difficult for most of us to understand- but that doesn’t make him a bad or undesirable person. His gender has nothing to do with his character. As Cher pointed out, it’s a brave thing for him to do – and good for his health. We side with Cher – and we can imagine how difficult it was for her to see her former daughter grow a beard. (Above, Chaz was seen leaving rehearsal with dance partner Lacey Schwimmer.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better!
Brave and strong and showing a new future…For all people who feel the same and…Having a friend is not going to change feelings even when they change…All it gives you is a different Shell and… Still a great friend…Understanding and love of there company and Loyal friendship is an Honor.
Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better!
Know that Chaz has changed and… Start being himself…I like it and…Fully respect and have a better understanding of there wants and needs and…Lets face facts understanding and care is what the world needs.
Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better!
I have men friends that act and feel like woman and..I Respect and treat them that way and… The person treats me nice and kind and with respect and for that…I love my friends and care about them.
Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better!
Chaz was born in the wrong body and that happens to people at the time and Chaz is really putting everything on the table and showing us a new way of thinking.
They should call it dancing with the wannabe stars.
Nothing wrong with Chas, that some healthy eating, or a gastric band wouldn’t cure. He seems like a really together guy, who is managing his life well. ( I am old enough to remember watching his parents carry him on stage, and his shy little wave to the audience)
susan—- i don’t remember ever reading that about chaz.
did you make that up or did you confuse her with jodie foster or someone else
@ Susan…you’re delusional. Seriously.
BTW, I am not spewing hate, just facts that everybody ignores. Poor baby, victimized at a young age and now so confused.
Chastity was sexually molested over and over and over again, starting at a young age, by her mom’s female friend and her babysitter. Sexual confusion ensued and now she thinks she was born to be a man. DUH!!! Instead of getting a d*ck maybe she should get some GOOD therapy that probes the root of her abherrant sexuality.
how much money do they make being on the show
Who the fuck cares??? Chaz is a man legally. If the State of Ca deems it leave the man alone. If you didnt now who he was prior to his transition you woudnt even think twice that he was a man! And all this Cher bashing is bullshit. Read Chaz book. He said he felt like a boy from the time he was 2. How is that Cher’s “bad parenting” and not Sonny’s too? And as for Cher having a private/public view on thigs she has been very honest as has been Chaz about their relationship. No one is sugar coating it.
well then it all worked out
Walt Cliff
Denise 🙂
I didn’t know that. That would help explain things. You have wonderful memory!
If memory serves,I remember reading that Chaz’ girlfried is bisexual.
That’s what I’m saying. If Chaz all of a sudden has a penis, and you only like the female parts, there is a problem. I did work with someone who was a former Miami cop, a big strapping man originally. He had the complete surgery, but then lived as a lesbian. So he liked women before and still liked women as a woman. It was my first day of work at this job, I was in the bathroom stall, and heard this deep masculine voice, I said why one earth is there a man in the ladies room. I have to admit I was more shocked when I came out of there and saw this 6’4″ woman with hands the size of a football.
Walt Cliff ---- Hire me so I can buy generic vodka:)
..(paraphrasing here- see below)
Walt Cliff ---- Hire me so I can buy generic valium :)
Hey palermo
I understand exactly what you are saying. We are talking about what Chaz has physically and what Chaz is sexually.
Yes, in the literal sense he will always be a she.
I think the thing that is a conflict with trying to understand Chaz is exactly what you said..(paraphrasing here)
Chaz has the same girlfriend he had when he was a she.
Chaz’s girlfriend is a lesbian. Chaz’s girlfriend likes girls and not guys.
Chaz is now a guy. Why are the two of them still together? I have no idea. If she is not interested in a man sexually then it would be difficult for her to find Chaz attractive in that manner.
This is could be a reason why Chaz hasn’t had “the operation” yet? Who knows?
I still have a problem with it. Chaz was a lesbian, now he’s a “man” living with a lesbian. Why does the lesbian girlfriend now want to live with a “man” if she is a lesbian. I understand about how it’s the person you love, blah blah blah, but how could you be sexually attracted to the opposite sex. I agree with the above poster, just because you have a double mastectomy does not make you a man. Chaz still has ovaries and a uterus and a vagina and XX chromosomes. I know plenty of transgenders in real life, even worked with some, and I respect whatever they want to call themselves or how they want to live, but my opinion, scientifically they are still the gender they were born to be. The men who get their penises lopped off still have prostates and XY chromosomes. The “pregnant man” is still a woman or couldn’t have given birth.
Walt Cliff
I think that is an excellent question.
It is my understanding that Chaz has always thought and felt like a male and not a female. He did not think he was being true to himself to continue being a female when he thought & felt like a male.
Although he is considered by doctor and by law to be a male, he hasn’t gone through with the surgery (he still has female sex organs).
It would be a difficult decision to make because it is my understand (I may be wrong.) but one doesn’t have the sexual sensitivity one use to have prior to the surgery.
I can understand people being gay or even cross dressing but this whole cutting up your body/taking hormones things is so unnatural in my mind. Why couldn’t “chaz” just live as a lesbian?
No offense to anyone….just my opinion.
I hope no one still believes that the votes count for who is going to stay on the show until the bitter end or who is going to be kicked off quick. Remember Kate Gosselin and Kirstie Alley, two of the worst ever, probably got the least # of votes, yet they stayed on because the DWTS bosses knew they would still draw in viewers. Same with Chaz, but I think he is risking his health w/ all the extra weight. He does have balls tho (in more ways than one) to get out there in the public eye. PS> I think Cher still hates that the big change was made, tho she will never ever admit it.
That’s my point though, there aren’t any real stars on this show any more.
Mrs. Honoria Pilkinghorne
Wow more hate than I would have thought expressed. Chaz is a much of a “star” as most of the “stars” on this stupid show. Go boy! Kirstie Allie lost lots of weight maybe Chaz will tone up too.
Chaz is fine but I am tired of reality shows. The cooking channel is garbage now with all of the boring cooking/reality shows and even my old favourite, Deadliest Catch seems to be running over the same old ground.
Look at what happens to people when they obsess over certain reality shows! They lose their fucking minds and post nonsense on quality, informative, life affirming gossip sites.
I wonder if the prison library reno is complete?
I hope Chaz does well. When the names were announced I didn’t think twice about it. I was disappointed with Rob being on, I think the Kardasians are taking over my computer and my t.v.
So Lacey isn’t a lesbian anymore? She’s straight now?
Mona Garrett
Oh, and who is Lacey Schwimmer?
Mona Garrett
I’m also rooting for Chaz (even though I’ve never seen the show).
But the story of his relationship with Cher is far more complicated than it appears. Cher infamously demanded that Chaz (Chastity at the time) leave Cher’s NYC apartment—when Chas came out as a lesbian.
There are serious issues there—no doubt compounded by the sex-reassignment. Cher’s “support behind the scenes” doesn’t jibe with her public posturing, twittering, etc.
Wow, almost entirely positive posts. I’m rooting for him too.
I do have one comment: can’t tell from this picture but do you suppose he’s let his underarm hair grow out??
lovely post teacher charlton. here’s a wormy apple for your hard work. no one is gonna want to watch him fumble over the dance floor. he is gonna be just like kristie alley was.
Dawn Davenport
Lovely post Janet. Thank you.
chill out. why so angry why do you even care
adult “child” ??? PLEASE……
chaz is still a woman i don’t give a FLIP what anyone says.
he has a VAGINA
he has OVARIES
he can’ take all the testosterone he wants, it aint gonna change his lady parts….. and he does not sound like Sonny at all….
he needs to lose that neck beard as badly as he needs to lose 180 pounds as well…..he mentioned something about wanting to be healthy on TV the other night in an interview,…. really??? How about going on a serious diet plan for starters??
its funny how he and Cher never see each other in person but only talk over the phone and she responds only on twitter or whatever the F she uses….
she may support him “publicly” but she cannot bear to be around her adult child in person. period. this is a fact. i understand why. her heart is broken no matter what kind of false front is put up in public….
Chaz is NOT a “star” and never will be. He has thrown himself into any limelight he possibly can to make money shilling his books and reality show to have an ANY income way more than to be a so called role model for the transgendered community…. because what else can he do to make a living???
I want to see this lug doing the QUICK STEP on this POS show most of all…. I hope they have paramedics in the wings when he collapses from a heart attack…..
I’ll be rooting for Chaz. I’m just sorry he got paired with Lacey who is completely plastic. All that surgery for such a young girl. It’s tragic. And she’s not a very nice person either.
This show is a farce now, where are the stars? The child of stars, the ex-girlfriend/beard of a star, it’s all nobodies. I would rather watch professional dancers than amateurs any day, they are a thing of beauty. As for the rest, the whole thing is rigged and most of them stink at dancing.
Walt Cliff ----96 yr old Harry Morgan (Colonel Potter) is still living!!!
Yeah, the meds make his voice deeper and more masculine. He certainly seems to be so much happier with his life.
There is so much we take for granted….little things …..big things. How scary it must have been for him all those years feeling like boy and looking like a girl. God bless him.
Chaz’s voice sounds slightly deeper which I’m guessing comes from testosterone shots or whatever meds if that, are involved. Regardless what people may say, Chaz has to be happy at the end of the day.
Kait, I think I have to 100% agree with you; Chaz is not a star at all. And the weight thing….looks like it will never come off, unless he’s going on the show to try to lose it such as Kirstie Alley did.
Boy, the DWTS guys really know who to get to bring in the ratings.
Walt Cliff ------ Go Chaz!
By now Chaz is a celebrity in his own right. He has sang in his own band, wrote a book or two and has become a transgender advocate.
Having two incredibly famous parents was certainly the launching board. 🙂
Isn’t DWTS supposed to be a show about pairing celebrities with professional dancers? Chaz is the product of two celebrities, but he has never done anything in the entertainment business except little projects that had him hanging onto his parents’ coattails. His sex change is a personal journey, not A Star Is Born. He has no business on DWTS.
I will be cheering for Chaz all the way. I think he will go to the finals, as like Kirstie Alley, voters wanted to see how many lbs she could drop.
This will probably be a life changing experience for him as well because he will see how many supporters he actually has. I think he will truly be shocked and inspired. There are a lot of assholes in the world(some even do regular posts her), but there are also a lot of good and accepting people in it too!
GO, Chaz, GO!!
Walt Cliff ------ "Call Geraldo!!! Reta is Missing!!!!!
I’ll try to find the interview (and link). I remember thinking at the time that he always looked a lot like Sonny and I thought it was kinda cool that he had his dad’s voice too.
Hey Walt. I saw him interviewed on Bill Maher’s Real Time about a month ago, and I didn’t notice that he sounded like Sonny. He sure didn’t sound feminine in any way and he presented himself well.
Walt "will work for ice cream or chocolate" Cliff
Greetings tonight. 🙂
Have either of you or anyone else noticed that Chaz’s voice sounds just like Sonny now when he talks and laughs?
Walt "will work for ice cream or chocolate" Cliff
The lovely Lacey looks (in the face) a little like Kate Hudson (Don’t flog me!!!) in that particular picture. LOL!
Have to agree with both Walt & Denise, maybe it’s a good thing health wise & takes a lot of guts. I’ve always liked Sonny & Cher & enjoyed their 70’s show on Sunday nights (y’know, when something was actually on TV??) Regardless, it can’t be easy making such a drastic change being under the microscope.
Walt "will work for ice cream or chocolate" Cliff
“This just goes to show that Chaz really does have balls”
…” painful to watch (talking to you Kate Gosselin).”
LOL!!!! Love it!!!! 🙂
This just goes to show that Chaz really does have balls. It’s bad enough trying to dance on this show with no experience, but with the baggage he brings, I’ll be voting for him.
And from the sound of it, Lacey’s already acting the very supportive partner. I always watch this show, even though there are a lack of “stars”, because I love to watch the dances/dancers. Although I admit sometimes it is painful to watch (talking to you Kate Gosselin).
Walt "will work for ice cream or chocolate" Cliff
I wish the kid well and hope Chaz is able to “wow” everyone watching. What a nightmare it must have been for him to have a young ladies body and a young man’s mind, heart and spirit.
He’s on a good road now. He’s officially and legally a male. Now, he just needs to get physically healthy. 🙂