We are still REELING with joy from a visit to the home of the late Charlton Heston. (Estate sale) Much of what we remember about the actor was negatively tied to his NRA association. But he was a much different person than we imagined. He built his Coldwater Canyon dream house in 1959 with Ben Hur money and the help of architect William S Beckett. And he cherished every carefully thought-out inch of it. (Incredible!) The actor was far more intellectual than we expected – his library and book collection was amazing. And his appreciation of art was evident in his huge collection. Heston was married to his wife Lydia for 65 years until he died, and his two children are both educated and successful and admired their father. Forget politics. He was evidently a decent and intelligent man. Could you ask for more?
Click HERE for more house photos!
True, they are too busy canting Black Lives Matter and Hands up Don’t Shoot!
Lady J
Charlton Heston was a great defender of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. Only the left wing nut cases consider that a negative thing. Most of them have probably never even heard of the Constitution.
Again Janet shows what a dumb woman she is. She wants to conveniently associate Chuck with the NRA to put her own negative spin on him yet below this post is one about MLK, the same MLK Heston marched with to support civil rights back int he 60’s. Yep, Janet could have easily mentioned that Chuck was a huge civil rights supporter but yet the janet the dingbat only wants you to know he is an evil gun rights advocate. Shame on you Janet. Shame ON YOU!
Lots of blather but nothing to do w/ the house!
Heston’s daughter Holly went to my school; and my carpool driver was best friends with her. Heston was emotionally abusive and hypocritical, blaming females for anything males did (especially if it was sexual), and throwing her out of the house for even trying pot. So you can like him if you want, but be glad you weren’t his daughter.
Absolutely…but not their own facts!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Susie is marching with the PC flag it seems…so wrong!
Pippa Bologna
A disgraceful Man.
First of all, this house is mid-century modern; the style and décor are absolutely spot on for the time in which it was built. Secondly, remembered negatively for his association with the NRA? In case it slipped someone’s mind, owning firearms is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Should you choose not to exercise that right, so be it, but there’s nothing negative about those who chose to embrace that right. It’s both amazing and terrifying to me that so many people are not just willing, but eager, to give up control of their lives to the government. Guns purchased and owned by law abiding citizens are not the problem. Cities such as Chicago with very strict gun laws have the highest incidence of gun fatalities, while cities such as Butte, Montana, where citizens can carry in plain sight, have the lowest. Ben Franklin said,” those who would trade freedom for security lose both and deserve neither.” Ask Hilary Clinton if her security detail carries guns – would she ask them to give them up? No, but she wants you to give up yours!
NRA and His Politics were CH crowning glory. Go stuff yourself.
The PC crazies never believe in personal responsibility… takes a village or two is their mantra.
Call out the lawbreakers for what THEY do and punish them for their actions….don’t deny others their rights!
If Anne Frank had had a gun, she wouldn’t need to have kept a diary.
Times change; human nature, not so much.
Do you really believe the war-mongering US is attempting to permanently disarm its serfs because it wants to “save lives?”
What a foolish comment by Daisy…..there has never been a single case of NRA festered gun violence……many people have been killed by criminals using guns, knives, and fists, however.
I’d be thrilled to own a home like this. So what if it needs some updating.So does my own home. What the heck is everyone so negative about? And I don’t see how the NRA is different from other powerful lobby groups that do nothing but harm to our society..pharmaceuticals, banking, oil, military industrial complex, etc etc etc..the list goes on and on for special interests. Just to hate on someone who lines up with the NRA is short-sighted.
Beautiful home in need of a little TLC.
More foolish and delusional comments… the Pied Piper will be chiming in on the need for an organic Blueberry garden!
And the half dead arbovitas blocking the windows in the courtyard need to go.
How foolish are the comments. The house was awesome for its time.
Your right, it reveals that he had no taste in decorating a home. (the outside looks better)
I hope you got something good out of the estate sale, because it looks like slim pickings. $12 million? Really? All the carpet needs to be ripped out, and the floors refinished. And, the real estate agent had rotten egg (3-seat) tacky sofas brought in for the staging. Oh, the godawful pendant lights.
So spare and soulless.