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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


She was a first time mother when she adopted Jackson, now 5, and it must have been surprising to Charlize Theron when Jackson gradually became very opinionated about what he wanted to wear. Early on, he decided his favorite color is PINK and he hasn’t deviated. His favorite outfit is a pink tutu and now that the Therons are on vacation in Cabo, Jackson has a pink sundress and hair extensions.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Sarah

    We need to propose legislation to put these children’s gender clinics out of business. It is immoral and unethical to give.children puberty blockers. These kids have autism not a gender problem. Parents like Charlize are being brainwashed by these sick doctors but honestly, I thought Charlize Theron was a stronger woman who could raise a son correctlymbut I am.apparently wrong. She needs a man as a role model for her SON and NOW.

  2. DQ

    For shame! Kids are off-limits! Leave him alone!

  3. Bonnie

    5yr olds can make decisions about their life when their mind is not completely developed yet. I don’t get it

  4. sheila

    no children on blogs it’s cruel

  5. Strom

    Whites shouldn’t adopt black kids and Visa versa!

  6. krtmom

    Uh…she also has a daughter!!!

  7. brake

    raising a kid like this must be forbidden because it will end up as a black F@ggot. Just buy a black girl or get lost for good Charlize. This is bringin the black society more misery!!