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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Nannies took Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller’s twin boys, Max and Bob, outside to get some fresh air in Aspen. Charlie and Brooke are probably too embarrassed to show THEIR faces in public. Rumors about the Sheen marriage are flying. Brooke’s friends say the marriage has been on the rocks for awhile, but Charlie’s people insist everything is fine. Charlie’s people have been drilling Brooke on what to say and do – they don’t want this incident to affect his career. Money is also being discussed. If Brooke makes this incident go away, we’re thinking she’ll have a nice bank account. It makes us wonder what IS going on behind those closed doors.

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  1. nanny

    Why make fun of the nannies. Wow one is skinny!! Doesn’t make her anorexic! And one is foreign! Who cares? The babies are dressed in warm outfits, aspen isn’t even that cold. Are they supposed to stay in the house?!?

  2. Agent Ego

    Charlie has never stopped using drugs he’s a woman-beating MESS. Denise Richards is looking like a rose these days.

    Also, he’s given a pass cause he’s white. Imagine if you will, a black male actor accused of holding a knife to his wife’s neck!

  3. bella

    That nanny in the plaid coat looks like Hailey Glassman.

  4. Hilary

    After reading the sworn statement by an Aspen police officer (it can be found on TMZ), I have decided that I am going to permanently boycott “Two and A Half Men.” I’ve always loved the writing and acting but I completely believe the statement. Sheen is an “OJ” waiting to happen. Yikes.

  5. Fat Frau

    So much for the sanctity of the breeder marriage. One man, one woman for life.

  6. CoCo

    Snow does not mean it is too cold for a snowsuit. You must be from California.

  7. Nursie

    I agree. Why bother to have kids if you are not going to raise them. A little fresh air never hurt a baby, even if it is cold. Those weather blocking covers are mostly for the rain. I walked my children in every kind of weather and they have always been very healthy. We played in rain storms, snow storms and hurricanes. Mud puddles were always the best. All good fun.

  8. chi chi

    I guess the mother was too drunk to take her own kids for a stroll. 2 nannies for 2 children, why have kids if you cant be bothered to raise them?

  9. Reta

    Why aren’t one of the PARENTS pushing this stroller? And I agree, the babies should either not be out in the cold, (DUH, there is SNOW on the ground) or they should have the front of the stroller covered in one of those clear plastic “hoods” that snap on, and also a blanket over the babies. But, I guess this is what you get when you leave someone else to do the parenting for you. Good going assholes!!

  10. Bettye Bluejay

    That’s Aspen, not the frozen blowing plains of North Dakota. It ain’t that cold in Aspen!

  11. Bambi

    ^^^^^^^^^ L’il Off Broadway apparently has eyes in order to make these assumptions.

    And biscuit apparently has eyes in order to makes these assumptions.

    Conclusion: L’il Off Broadway and biscuit have made correct assumptions, and I too have eyes and agree with them.

  12. CoCo

    Wow, you guys are cruel, projecting your Charlie hatred on the nannies and making assumptions about the suitability of the babies’ clothing.

  13. captain america

    let’s hope so for this woman.

  14. Sue

    two more kids that will probably grow up to be messed up and dysfunctional beccause they were unlucky enough to be born to self absorbed hollywood wack jobs and raised by an ever changing staff of hired help.

  15. biscuit

    One nanny looks like an anorexic anemic commoner. The other looks like an illegal alien, straight from South America or Mexico. B and C should never procreate again. (They don’t even have the cover of the stroller down over the babies). Yet in this mixed-up world, Charlie, a bonafide ho-monger, still makes upwards of $1Mil per episode of “3 1/2 Men”, and he can’t even act. Lord help us.

  16. L'il Off Broadway

    Charlie and Brooke need to be neutered and spayed, like dogs. It’s a miracle if no germs or bacteria from them passed into the babies. Plus, they are cold and freezing. Even with thick clothes on they need a blanket. Better yet, keep them inside you stupid dumba**es.

  17. Ana Maria

    …all I could focus on was that no matter how bundled up the babies are, they shouldn’t be out in weather that cold!…