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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Splash News

Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice 2010 just commenced filming in New York and just about all the new contestants were seen filming the opening promo. Here’s the new line-up from left to right: actress Holly Robinson Peete, singer Cyndi Lauper, disgraced Chicago politician Rod Blagovich, Australian chef Curtis Stone, (why not Gordon Ramsey?) wrestler Goldberg, Olympic swimmer Summer Sanders, comic actor Sinbad, comedian Carol Leifer, Ozzy’s wife Sharon Osbourne, controversial ballplayer Darryl Strawberry, “Rock of Love” musician Bret Michaels, and another wrestler, Maria Kanellis. Note that they’re all trying to look competent and powerful. The show will air in March.

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  1. Margaret

    Trump picked Joan “the mouth” Rivers over Annie Duke? I will never watch this garbage again.

  2. mom to five

    Rod Blagobitch is an idiot! Probably hoping to taint everything about his trial and get it thrown out. Illinois south of I80 HATED that man! His wife did a good job stirring up sympathy for him, those 2 idiots from the Hills said they will vote for him for President. It’ll be cold day in Hell before he gets elected to do anything!

  3. Reta

    Bret Michaels admitted he wears hair extensions…wonder why? True, it does look fake as hell, like a dolls wig, and then the stupid bandana, and then usually a hat on top of that. Is he afraid if he doesn’t pin it all down it will blow away? Does he have any idea how rediculous he looks like that?

  4. Rebecca

    I think that Brett Michael needs a make over toss the hat and bandanna, dress a little more professional.

    Celebrity Apprentice is a little different from Rock Of Love, not too many drunk chicks with fake boobs time to dress the part

  5. Shal

    There is another person walking a bit behind Cyndi Lauper .. not clearly visible in this photo … but in others .. any ideas ?

  6. captain america

    but when the cameras are gone…….THE REAL “WEASELS” APPEAR!!

  7. Etienne

    Why isn’t Rod Blagovich in prison? Why is he allowed to be on all these asshole reality shows when he committed some serious crimes?

  8. Reta

    I vote for Cyndi!