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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It wasn’t so long ago that fashion conscious women squeezed themselves into the tightest possible clothing – preferably enhanced with spandex. Now the tide has turned and Paris said “go big!” –resulting in huge oversize suits. Perfectly stylish and comfortable for a long airplane flight like the one Catherine Zeta-Jones is boarding at JFK…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dee

    This is the result of people not thinking for themselves, and dressing the way designers tell them what’s hot. My response to those designers would be ….I’ll tell you what’s hot, my foot up your tasteless ass. She must know she looks ridiculous, yet she caves to the flavor of the month. Stay classy people, and show these stupid designers the door.

  2. susie

    Where’s the clown shoes and red nose?

  3. Gemma

    she looks silly

  4. Strom

    For those who may not know….CZJ has 10 times the money of a Jlo or Kardashian but still flies commercial airlines as opposed to private jets, many of which are freebies in exchange for promotion.

  5. kim

    her skin is like rubber these days?