Dr Martens


fourdeadrockerscut.jpgWhy are these Dr Martens dead rock star ads causing such an uproar? We think using dead rockers lounging in heaven in their Doc Martens is a brilliant idea. Offensive? These guys- Joe Strummer, Sid Vicious, Joey Ramone, and Kurt Cobain, THRIVED on being offensive when they were alive. That’s why we loved them. And they DID wear Doc Martens. The ads simply state “Dr Martens. Forever.” What’s so offensive about THAT? Granted, Cobain’s widow Courtney Love is disgruntled because British copyright laws who’t allow her to collect any money for this. THAT’s why she griped that the ad was in bad taste. We are really steamed at the cowardly Doc Martens CEO, David Suddens, who caved in to Love and GROVELED and apologized for his “tasteless” blunder, and pulled the ads. Then he FIRED the ad agency (Saatchi & Saatchi London) responsible for this brilliant campaign. What’s WRONG with these Dr Martens people?