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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Will Smith has been trying to come to find closure since the infamous 2022 Oscar slap heard around the world. After serious soul-searching and meditation,  he’s thinking about returning his Best Actor Academy Award. An insider revealed that the statue is a painful reminder of what SHOULD have been one of the best evenings of his life, but definitely wasn’t. He’s moved the award from a prominent shelf in his home to a less obvious place, but he still senses its presence and it‘s a constant reminder of the disastrous evening. Since he’s already banned from the Academy for 10 years, Will feels returning the statue and having it permanently housed at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles will be a win win. He won’t have to SEE the award and it will surely become a big attraction at the museum. To be clear, Will is NOT turning down the honor, so he will forever be known as an Academy Award winner for Best Actor,  he’s just thinking of giving back the statue.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Hilary Grant

    I seriously doubt that Will Smith’s Oscar will not much, if anything, to boost the popularity of the Academy Museum.

  2. Britishteeth

    Nobody cares what this fool does.

  3. Diva

    He’s so full of it. What a jackass.

  4. Oscar and Felix

    He’s a scientology nut case like Cruise and his rapey friend Masterson .