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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


How is it possible for a 71 year old man to have the full head of hair an 18 year old? We can find no evidence that Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood has had any hair augmentation! Last year Ronnie went in for his usual check-up before commencing the 2017 European tour with the Stones, and the doctor found a malignant lesion on his lung. Ronnie had a five hour surgery to remove the cancer but refused chemotherapy because he didn’t want to lose his hair! He smoked for over fifty years, but the lucky musician is so far cancer free and he’s the first to admit “I shouldn’t be here!” But he is. Ronnie is currently performing in the UK on the Stones current World Tour.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Ezekial

    Ronnie likes dating young girls

  2. Anonymous

    Recent pictures of Ronnie clearly show a receding hairline and thinning hair.

  3. butthead

    dont bother, how many rock & hollywood stars wear wigs these days………..

  4. Todd

    My dad is 83 and has every single strand of hair he was born with. Is called genetics.

  5. Rick

    I’m 64 I still have a full head of hair age has nothing to do with it,if you’ve got it flaunt it

  6. Diva

    Why does Janet think if you are in your seventies you should be bald?

  7. Cass

    That is obviously not a wig. My grandfather passed away at age 75 with a full head of dark black hair.

  8. Pee Wee

    You are right Katy! And he’s also a lot prettier than JAnet, who looks like the JIGSAW movie puppet!

  9. Katy

    The geezer is wearing a wig, just like Janet does