For decades the tabloids heard stories about Bill Cosby’s many female conquests – in fact he agreed to cooperate and do personal tabloid interviews if they would kill the sleazy stories – which they did. Cosby seemed to have women set up in condos in just about every major city, besides all the one night stands. So rape accusations are no surprise – the REAL surprise is Camille Cosby’s support of this behavior. Camille was a highly respected, educated and philanthropic woman – Oprah was a huge fan. Now she blames everyone but her husband for his crimes. Her smug face after the mistrial was announced was painful for any woman to see. She’s a disgrace to the female sex. What does Oprah think now?
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Call it the Golddigger statue!
Toby Flenderson
I thought there was a Statute of Limitations in that state that would prevent litigating ancient injuries.
They are looking for fame and $$$$
Well now we know what Amber Rose will look like when she’s old.
there was Plenty of talk strom…bill cosby was americas dad beloved by everyone back in the day..who would have believed these women?? nobody that”s who….no way that many women would come forward, at least most f the stories are true
Woman how blind are you not to see the hypocracy in the judgement passed on to Bill Cosby’s wife and not onto the other Bill’s wife Hillary, just WOW?
The wives and girlfriends always side with the predator.
It’s all about money with women. She’ll be by his side no matter what unless the cash stops.
Actually there is little talk of why these so called victims waited so long to claim rape. Many willingly had an affair w horny Bill for some time……seeking fortune and fame which never happened and now seek $$$$$$
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Perhaps this summer the two Bills might jet over to Europe for a play-date with Roman Polanski.
“Birds of a feather,” etc.
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
One would imagine that privately, Oprah regards Camille Cosby the very same way she views HRC–who is also married to a rich, powerful man whose track record with women includes allegations of rape and other bad behavior.
Unlike those two women, O never had to hitch her wagon to a successful man to create her career or her lifestyle.
Abner Kosmo
Janet he is innocent until proven guilty. Maybe they are after his money. Women often extort men with lies for money.
Smug, yes, but this is a very old photo. She and her husband are truly disgusting.
She is a DISGRACE to women everywhere. I read she would go up to bed leaving him alone with whatever woman was prey for the night. She should be locked up with him. And where were his daughters, no sign of them grinning on the way into court.