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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Supergirl star Calista Flockhart and her grandfather are touring Spain this week. Oops! Upon closer inspection that older gentleman appears to be Calista’s husband Harrison Ford! It’s amazing what a beard can do to ruin a perfectly good looking man’s looks. And a white bead is the worst of all! On the bright side, Harrison probably won’t be recognized by anyone – and women are not likely to give him the eye. But it is a shame…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. PerezSux

    For a woman of a certain age, you certainly are an Ageist. Meantime, theyve been together for years and seemingly quite happy. Good for them.

  2. exgci

    ah the English

  3. Erma

    Wow,Janet,your mean streak is alive and well.

  4. DianeM

    Hopefully, this is for a movie role.

  5. Canada Girl

    Grounds for divorce

  6. Moonbeam

    You obviously haven’t been scrutinizing Calista’s closeups. She hit the lottery when she landed Harry.

    (He did briefly date Minnie Driver(!!), which most analysts attribute to a run of temporary insanity.)

  7. susieserb

    Cone on? If you were to see Harrison on the street walking around like this, one would NOT think, “Ick creepy old geezer”. What I see is a very athletically built older gentleman dressed in a cool dapper manner.

    The Satorialist would have a snap of HF on their blog.

  8. Kitty

    He just looks creepy now.

  9. aloha

    i never found him attractive. ever.

  10. Leticia

    A decrepit old geezer

  11. dick

    nope………….his brother in law.