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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Truer words were never spoken, but when Caitlyn said this in a Time magazine interview, she got nasty backlash from the transgender world – she was described as “transphobic” and one nitpicking commenter called her “The Donald Trump of the trans community.” Caitlyn apologized profusely but we don’t think she should have. She seems to have an honest and realistic view from inside the trans world and they have no business turning on her. A big man in a dress IS scary and it will be awhile before people get used to it. So far she’s done more to make transgender community acceptable than anyone we know.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    Susie=enabler of all things tranny!

  2. pickupyoursocks

    I realize Bruce looks ridiculous dressed like this, but laughing at him is cruel. Jenner, and others who have delusioned themselves into believing they are the opposite sex are seriously and profoundly mentally ill. Heaping derision on them is just as harmful as those who encourage their delusions. These people need aggressive counseling and medication. Bruce and others like him have obviously experienced some horrible trauma, or suffer from severe chemical/hormonal imbalances, either of which call for both compassion and medical/psychological intervention.

  3. susieserb

    By Fritz Meulders
    On December 16, 2015 at
    This Man is sick and needs mental treatment

    YES the crazies are running the insane asylum. Do people just blindly except bizarre behavior now and say THIS IS OKAY? We are told NOT to judge but we all make judgment calls everyday to steer our lives. Everybody has a different set of truths they follow now and the world is turning chaotic and haphazard

  4. Strom

    Fritz nailed it!

  5. Pit Bull LOVER

    he’s letting his freak flag fly !!
    but i betcha it is at NO mast farther south….

  6. Fritz Meulders

    This Man is sick and needs mental treatment

  7. anonTWO

    i dont understand this.. at all.

    and if im honest, i dont want to understand it.

  8. Daggers

    To add a bit of comic relief to the situation:

    Question: When Brucie goes shopping for an evening gown, dresses, bras, panties, etc., what happens when he exits the store?

    Answer: The sales clerks who waited on her fall down on the floor busting a frigging gut after going into fits of uncontrollable laugher.

  9. Strom

    Man in dress Alert!

  10. Palermo

    This! times a million!

  11. Pit Bull LOVER

    no matter what, after 64/5 years of male I am Positive bruce really had NO freaking clue what he was getting his ass into…..I would bet he thinks it is a total pain in his ass to have to be in full make up and wear bra’s and panties, high heels, ect and have his hair done and even tho he pays other women do do all this shit for him it must make him nuts….

    uncomfortable as hell to keep up that image ain’t it bruce?

  12. dennis

    ……..this fcking idiot, hahahahahahaha

  13. Blake

    She’s not getting support because the loving and tolerant trans community expects that he should reject his Republican haterism and he should. Why support someone who is only interested in looking frilly and not fighting for the rights of trans and gay marriage? Screw her.

  14. Bluejay

    The above-the-knee dress is not flattering for male or female over a certain age. Sometimes dresses and the bodies wearing them need a little help like a slip to flow smoothly over tires. Bruce could use a stylist to select more flattering clothes.

  15. MissEva

    Such a shame. . .he was such a beautiful man back in the 70’s. I don’t think the transition is working for him. Even if he raises the pitch of his voice, he’ll never be remotely feminine.

  16. Bucky M

    Looks like she shortened the dress herself. It looks ragged on the edges. Yes, she looks like she is competing with her daughters and step daughters in fashion. Of course, look at his ex wife, Kris.

    None of the Jenner/Kardashians wear or act age appropriate. 60 year old elder Kris Jenner is publicly asking if she could be pregnant (for publicity no less) and she is many years past that possibility. Also, isn’t her fake “boyfriend” suppose to be gay?

    Look at 36 year old mother of 3 Kourtney Kardashian. She is old enough to give birth to Justin Bieber and they are alleging an tryst between the two? Publicity only.

  17. Kait

    He has made the trans world and increased many people’s comfort. But he now dresses like a 20- or 30-something. He’s in his 60s. His age-inappropriate dressing is his problem.

  18. Strom

    Poor avila, grasping tightly to the “gay is better than ok” agenda!

  19. susieserb

    GUESS WHAT being intolerant is OKAY just like it’s okay to be a “ack” a transgender or “double ack” a homosexual.

    As repugnant as you find my intolerance is as repugnant I find these lifestyles. You say who am I to judge? I say WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE.

    Feeling AREN’T FACTS and LOGIC is NOT HATE.

  20. avila

    She’s an intolerant Republican.

  21. Pit Bull LOVER

    S T F U

  22. xyzc

    Once a man, always a man, end of story

  23. Palermo

    People do not have to get used to this. It’s abnormal. He looks like a man in a dress because he is a man in a dress. And a total bimbo like the rest of his idiotic family. EVERYTHING is about looks to them, everything.