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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s no secret that Bruce Willis’ wife, Emma Heming and his ex-wife Demi Moore have always been close, growing even closer since Bruce was diagnosed with a form of dementia. They’re now taking their friendship to the next level and are teaming up to produce a documentary on Bruce’s life. It will cover everything from his time on Moonlighting (above) to his more recent health struggles. A friend describes the project as a love letter to Bruce and while no deal has been signed yet, it will likely appear on a streaming service once completed.


Photo: Disney – Bruce and Cybill Shephard

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  1. C.

    It is absolutely revolting how Bruce’s wife, Demi Moore, and his older children are exploiting Bruce in the face of his deteriorating health. Demi has had more attention because of Bruce’s illness than she’s had in over a decade.

    i’m not Bruce Willis fan and have found him smarmy and obnoxious since before Moonlighting ended but the actions of his family publicizing Bruce’s struggles on social media routinely are beyond pathetic. Let the man deteriorate in peace away from the public eye!

  2. Sara Myers

    Once you have loved someone and shared a marriage for better or worse,it doesn’t just turn off.It may not be like it used to be,but they shared a love,life,dreams&children.That love is still there,the children are still a part of that love,part of that life,and they deserve to feel that love and respect still exists, it has just began a new chapter.They are the best of both parents,and they should feel that their parents are still able to parent and love them on a unified level.Once a parent,always a parent.When you love someone,it is forever whether you can admit it or not.I’ve taken this road and it doesn’t need to be war.It does need to be honest and one needs to make amends,choose to focus on the good times,the love and respect is foundation for a friendship.Boundaries and the dynamic of this friendship needs to be clear,honest and respectful. The good times don’t simply disappear,the respect for one another needs to be honest and the children need to feel they are the best of their mom and dad.There is good in everyone,it is a choice what they do with it.I currently have a spouse with Parkinson’s and Frontal temporal dementia.My first spouse suffered with mental health and addiction.He is tragically no longer ger with us.All the children I have,4 I’ve birthed,6 inherited thru marriage,are my children They know they are the best of each of us and they are treasured and loved.They are all my children,no steps-I walk on those,but I live for my children . I’ve worked at building friendships with their mom’s and they know I am not wanting to replace them…I am there because I love their father,I am there to co-parent when they are with their dad.My love for them is unmoved by any difficulties with their fathers and I will always be there to love and encourage them,to help them figure out how this all fits together,listen to them and be there.They have to find their way in this and it is important they feel stability which comes with parents working together for their children.I feel Demi wants to help because they shared a love and children,because he was her husband and is her friend.Dementia is excruciatingly difficult to face,witness and a friend who understands this is invaluable. It is an extremely lonely and difficult journey with no one to help,to listen and know they have your families best interests at heart.A person wears themselves to an early aging process taking care of that loved one alone.I think Demi is sweet for helping.If his wife is OK with it,if they have Bruce’s best interest at heart,and the children are OK with it,who are we to say a thing,to judge their choices when we do not live their lives.

  3. Anonymous

    I’m sorry, but the whole “togetherness” concept of Bruce’s first wife and second wife is boundary blurring. It makes me think Demi is pushy and overbearing.

  4. Wilson

    That makes sense, as Demi just moved in with Bruce and Emma to help care for Bruce. Very touching.

  5. Sheila Gunn

    I guess Emma found out Bruce’s money was invested in FTX crypto and he lost almost everything . Like Brady and Gizzy