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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Since she announced that she’s pregnant (maybe twins), Britney Spears has changed her odd Instagram account somewhat. She’s eased up on those videos of her repetitiously swaying and spinning in assorted 2 piece girly outfits with the bottoms rolled as far down as possible. (She calls it dancing.) Now she’s concentrating on nudes- photos taken before she got pregnant. She always posts little cover-ups on her privates, but instead of being delighted, her loyal fans are worried and want to know WHY. One pointed out that this could be embarrassing for her two sons. Good point. One advised Britney to “get help!” Another asked “Are we sure Britney is OK? Another, referring to her canceled conservatorship: “I think we made a mistake!” Also “Someone please take her phone away!”
(Wonder what’s under that white heart in the corner?)
Photo: Instagram

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  1. Leave her alone

    Dumbass celebrities post on “only fans” all the time and no one is calling for them to be imprisoned. She’s naked. So what. There are crazy and dangerous homeless people all over the streets of our cities. I don’t see anyone calling for them to be put under lock and key. Why is Britney being treated like she’s some dangerous nut? She’s a bit immature and celebrating her freedom.

  2. Wilson

    Yup, this public campaign to free Britney has brought these results. This is likely what her family worried about: first nudity, then a child and other bad decisions, like marriage to a guy who is holding out for a bigger payday in the prenup. Britney needs a conservator and meds. And who makes sure her child isn’t neglected and the dog is fed and watered. Remember her past history.

  3. Ozzy

    You need to update/ clean up your links. Some invalid, some not updated in almost 10 years.

  4. emmy

    Clearly she is a whack job

  5. Shani Q

    She’s clearly off of her meds when pregnant .Sam can then claim she’s mentally incompetent and gain access to all of her assets and invoke sharia law.

  6. Light Brigade

    She doesn’t realize that the majority of Americans don’t care what she does, including plastering self-important naked pix all over the internet.

    Her sons must be embarrassed by her actions. She doesn’t have enough insight to know that. Grow up and act your age. You’re not 21 anymore.