justinbritSo Britney went on a self destructive spree and first got her head shaved and then went to a tattoo parlor for some skin art. We’re thinking that SHE IS TURNING HERSELF INTO JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. She’s already got the wife-beater. Have you ever heard the feminist phrase “I’ve BECOME the man I wanted to marry?” (Her neck even looks thicker.)

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  1. how low can you stoop, making fun of somebody having an obvious breakdown?

  2. She is just disgusting. Without allthat hair you can now see how AVERAGE her looks are. She is a NONTALENT who needs to go away!

  3. i think she really wants people to leave her the hell alone. especially the losers around her who pretend to be her friend one day and then turn on her and even try to make a profit from it the next. i dont know her and dont know what she was thinking, but if she wants to shave her head its her own business. someone close to me shaved her head in her mid 20s, and at that time in her life, she found it liberating to not care at all what others thought about her looks. her looks were very important to her before.
    she is talented. i hope that there are some sincere caring people around her whom she can trust. i hope she finds peace.

  4. you are putting way too much anaylsis into this chick…She’s not that bright.

  5. (2 days ago)
    PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don’t post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved

  6. (2 days ago)
    PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don’t post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved

  7. (2 days ago)
    PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don’t post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved

  8. (2 days ago)
    PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don’t post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved

  9. If Fed-Ex wants custody of those two kids, it looks like he should have a pretty easy time getting it. Mama’s wacko!

  10. Shades of Sinead.
    Instead of tearing up the pope she got out of a car.
    Fu*ked her career.
    And shaved her head to show everyone she was still in control.
    This train is goin down the track, full on!

  11. OMG!
    She looks awful and wasted.
    Wake up Brit, you are going to lose your sons to Kevin or at least Social Services.
    You are coming apart at the seams.
    Please someone try to save her from herself-fast!

  12. where is her mom, father, brothers? they need to come out to britney’s house and talk to her in person.
    she needs her mom.

  13. Sometimes family only likes you when you are on top…Maybe her family doesn’t really care. The girl barely had an education growing up. She has no tools to be an adult. This is so sad.
    I wish her health and happiness!

  14. Looks pretty out of control to me. If she really wanted to have people leave her alone, she could stay home etc… and not be out all the time. Of course – If I woke up one day and realized I had slept with Kevin Federline and bore his kids – I think I would have gone insane too!

  15. Please help a desperate family in need.
    A fellow Janet Reader and father of 2 had to have major heart surgery and cannot go back to work for at least 8 weeks.
    Please email everyone you know and ask them to paypal 1 dollar to –
    Thank you so much. 1 dollar each from many people will save a family.

  16. She is so sad…obviously falling apart and reaching out for help. I think we will hear of her losing it big time and cracking up real soon. If she really wants her career back she shouldn’t of done this…no body thinks bald women are attractive !! ick

  17. Eh, maybe she just got tired of the weaves and wants to have the fun versatility of wigs. That’s why a friend of mine shaved her head.

  18. Is it at all possible that Brit’s hair was so damaged by extensions and the glue that she just wanted it all off and start again? Did she have bald spots all over her head? With Michelle Williams and Selma Blair getting short pixie haircuts, eventually these people have to clean up the mess and bald spots. Isn;t Tyra Banks & Beyonce bald too and wear wigs most of the time?

  19. Yeah, I heard she was complaining about the extensions being too tight and irritating. If I was completely wasted & my extensions were hurting me, I’d shave them off. Always have a friend with you to stop you from doing stuff you’ll regret.

  20. some breakdown, all the while smiling for the picture takers, what a freak of nature. Just another kid who worked during their childhood and is addicted to attention, next she’ll be dating one of the Coreys. She never was a pretty girl even with the nose job, very very average, and she cant sing at all. She owes her career to a good sond engineer and lipsyncing.

  21. oh dear…the next page in the book of Britney….once the hoopla dies down…there is certain to be yet another daring attempt to get the cameras clicking….how sad it will be for her when she runs out of ideas!

  22. She stayed in rehab 1 day.
    She doesn’t need rehab.
    She needs a good psychiatrist!
    There is medication to control this disorder.

  23. The next Anna Nicole in the making. She is such a needy girl with no self-esteem. I can’t stand the no-talent chick, but I do hope she gets her self together.
    I wonder who is watching after the two kids…
    What a train wreck.

  24. I feel really badly for her, she seems to not have any real friends. Where are her kids while she is out in the public so out of it?
    Someone, maybe even at Jive records, please get Britney Spears the help that she needs. She is more than your meal ticket, she is a person, and she needs help!!!

  25. Okay…where the fuck is her mother and her family when she needs them? For God’s sake….the family has been sucking on this cash cow for way too long and now that she is desperately calling out for love, underestanding and some help they are nowhere to be found. Shame on them…the redefine white trash.

  26. If she wants to be left alone, all she has to do is stay home and take care of her kids. I guess she’s forgotten how much she “wanted” those babies. She has “people,” so she doesn’t have to leave the house if she doesn’t want to. Nobody is forcing her to go out in public and act ridiculous–it’s her choice, and she’s making really bad choices.

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