In the not-so-distant past, Levi Johnston (the mouthy father of Bristol Palin’s baby Tripp) was referred to by the Palin family as “Mr Hollywood” because he was scrambling for a show business career. The worm has turned. Encouraged by her reception on “Dancing With The Stars,” Bristol Palin has acquired an agent and not only is SHE going Hollywood, but she had her two year old Tripp sign with her agent also. No more Alaska, she plans to STAY in sunny Los Angeles!
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Yes, because as everybody knows, the easiest way to become a “star” is to be an unwed teen mother, be dumb as a rock, have a baby-daddy who is ALSO dumb as a rock, and then have a mother who is dumb as a rock and wants to be president! OH, and the thick legs and fat ankles will help her be a star even faster! Yeah, THAT’S right…Bristol, meet Britney…meet rocks…
After the initial novelty wears off, who is going to hire that big ol’ donkey cowgirl?
She looks like she should be branding cattle, or wrastling moose. HeeeeeeeeHawwwwww!
All is not lost. I hear “Fat Actress” is looking to re-cast…
HaHaHaHa! Handbasket you slay me! Yes, but they will have to change the title to Fat Retarded Actress.
Cause she’s a brainless slut who has bareback sex and more than one pregnancy!!
Stupid girl…stupid mom…poor little child. She could probably have a good life if she was in Alaska, using family connections to score a good job but you can see she is a fame whore…w/o talent or great looks.
lol @ SC
“If Joey Buttafuoco can be a big star here, then so can I!” thought Bristol.
Like mother, like daughter. Can’t wait for Sarah’s reality TV show *cough*.
Please, please, please, someone, make her go away. Why should we give a damn about this nutcase?
She dances like an arthritic moose.
She has probably had fewer votes than many who have been voted off. The big-wigs want to keep her on ’cause she draws in viewers.
As to her movie career, it’s guaranteed she will land a grade C movie with or without the baby. Before going GollyWood, she should get her tubes tied and have a standing appointment with her doc to have a monthly test for STD’s.
So…Indy, I guess that is probably a NO on her getting into heaven.
^^^^Dunno, right now it doesn’t look too promising.
I can’t believe you guys. She’s not the only person who thinks they can have an acting career (Kate Gosselin? Mike Sorrentino?) so why make all the snarky comments about her weight when the next Janet post will be about unrealistic body issues in Hollywood and the damage it does to women. So so lame.
Indy, well, if any of the Palins, or their unofficial entourage are going to Hell, I had better change my ways. I am not sharing a fire pit with any one of those stupid ice-flow hillbillies.
The problem is people bash her, but then those same people will watch her show. If America would wake up and stop supporting the “stars” they claim to hate, we could get rid of the whole lot of them (Jersey Shore, Housewives shows, Kate Plus 8, on and on…..there are too many of these non-shows with non-stars to count).
Keep stuffing yourself with that ice cream, Bristol. Your legs aren’t quite fat enough yet! LOL!
is she like the only person on DWTS history that seems to be getting fatter each week?
I would think by now she would have slimmed down but she looks big as an ox!
oh! I love how her shorts are riding up her inner thigh…true mark of a fatty!
Zombie_Hands, good call! Yeah, everyone else on DWTS always talks about how much weight they lose, despite eating like a pig. And even if you never see the show, just promos and interviews, you see the difference. Bristol is obviously eating like two pigs.
Trailer trash.
I have refused to watch the show this season due to her, and that “abs”-baring moron. I won’t watch it again unless they put on some actual “stars”.
Sebastian, don’t worry bout having to share your hotspot with these idiots, they’ll be “praying” and kissing God’s ass every day and twice again at bedtime, so, yeah, they’re going to “Heaven” according to the “Christian” rulebook. All you need to do to get into the club is bend your knees, mumble a few words skyward, and all is forgiven…moronity, whoring, bad dancing, fat legs, shooting wild life, and “you betcha’s”…
And her face looks like a ballon with eyes!
Wow, Reta full of hate and venom for those who believe in a religion? Really. Ms. Tolerance! AKA white woman with a mixed up race baby and shacking with a nig. White woman who can’t go back to the other side.
Tolerance only according to Reta. Someone is right about you going off on anyone who does not think like you.
But I guess you have to assert yourself somewhere or have an outlet outside of home. Because we know you don’t rule the roost at home!
reta’s former trailer trash…who went back to her roots!
Strom: (and I know that was you who posted that above) WHERE have I said I “hate” anybody? I HAVE asked (and as yet none of the “thumpers” have answered) If murderers, rapists, child molesters get into “Heaven” if they repent on their deathbed and “accept Jesus.
As for me…I am not a “white” woman…just a woman. And my “baby” is 42, and of Irish, Spanish (Spain) English, heritage. My “Nig” as you call him, is of English, American Indian, French, and Afican heritage. In YOUR racist eyes, that qualifies as a “nig” tho, huh?
As for my “ruling the roost” I live in equality or wouldn’t live with anybody who wouldn’t. I am far too strong a woman to put up with being controlled by ANYBODY. I come from the 60’s and believe in equality for everybody, sexually, racially, religiously. I do find it interesting tho that when people who constantly spew their religions on others are asked very specific questions they not only can’t answer the question, but go on the attack of the questioner, such as in your attack of me. Very transparant of you strom.
None of those posts were of mine…sorry to disappoint…I dont care about Reta or any other poster..this site is not about you!
Reta, I’ll put myself on the firing line again and try to answer your question. I’m sure, however, that I’ll be dissed no matter what.
There is definitely such as thing as deathbed repentance. If a murderer, rapist, serial burglar, etc. is on their deathbed, hear the Gospel of Christ and accept Him into his/her heart with true repentance and belief that He is the Son of God Who died for our sins, then he is saved; ALL sins forgiven and blotted out. On the other hand, those that are so unspeakably horrid such as Hitler, Manson, Stalin that their heart has been so hardened with evil that they actually are not able to repent. So, Jesus sees into the heart and can know if there is indeed a change within, then he/she is saved. The thief on the cross next to Jesus repented and was told ..”This day you will be with me in paradise”. That is because Jesus (supernaturally, divinely) could see his true heart. The thief could not come down from the cross to try to start living a godly life, he was to die in a few minutes…that was his “deathbed repentance” so to speak. Mumbling a few words does not save you….true belief in your heart and then saying the sinner’s prayer is the key, knowing that Jesus knows your heart at that very moment in time.
Reta, if you were not specifically asking me, I am truly sorry.
P.S.: Since we are mortal, some of this is beyond our human knowing, regardless of how intelligent we think we are. You just have to trust and believe.
Sorry, Janet and all, I had not planned the above, but the question was asked. Yes, I know this is a gossip site.
God help America to escape from the Palins.
I for one don’t hate the Palins, I like Sarah and don’t care what her daughter has done. It’s not different from alot Hollywood folks and performers. I agree with alot stuff that Indy said, and no one calls Nancy Pelosi dumb and boy is she a dumb ass.
I am longing for the days when only people with talent become famous in Hollywood and writers start producing shows other than the reality ones we have now. Sadly I’m beginning to think those days are gone now.
So, Indy, you are equating a “murderer, rapist, serial burglar” the same? You’re joking, right? Aren’t “Hitler, Manson, Stalin” murderers? So, it’s okay to murder one, two three…how MANY before you just don’t get in to Heaven no matter HOW MUCH you pray? Can you not see the absurdity in your argument Indy? And are you truly happy with the premise of spending “eternity” with your average run-of-the-mill rapists and murderers? That would include folks like Bundy, Gacy, Jack the Ripper? HMMMM?
Hey, girl, I’m not trying to attack you, just MAYBE try to ring your head a bit and challenge you to THINK outside the box, or in this case, the thumping mechanism. Yeah, I THOUGHT not…
So, say hi to all the “boys” for me when you get there…I hear Gacy’s quite the clown!
strom, I agree, the first post by “Reta’s rainbow” on second look, may NOT be by you, it is far too literate for you. Maybe it’s someone you put up to it tho, because they echo the very same things you have said before when referring to me. You, like “Captain America…(now “wim”) are both dead give-a-ways in your writings. It’s like hiding in plain sight. Then, you claim to not care about me or any other poster on this site and indeed this site is NOT ABOUT ME…I agree, so stop referring to my personal life when I point out what a racist asshole you are. Now, get back in the closet with Gerard, the batteries are running low.
Sorry, Bristol, you are not going to make it in Hollywood. Your legs are too short from the knee to the ankle, and fat to boot. You are not a great beauty, you have no discernable talent, no charm, no dancing skills. However, you are able to jump from ice floe to ice floe, you can make a baby, stuff your face with food, and most important of all, whine. Good Luck with the Career!
PS: And yo mama
Go home Bristol!
Palermo, you and me both. Fortunately, we have DVDs now, and some really great stuff is being released. Until the tide changes I will be spending more and more time watching old movies, listening to classic music, and going back to old quality television.
You people are really cruel and mean. Bristol seems like a nice girl and I like her on the show. Besides over half of Hollywood is nepotism – I frankly am sick of “stars”… our society is way too absorbed with them. Bristol is a cute girl and deserves happiness and success just like any of us. And she is not fat. She is typical of most women. Look at Portia Degeneres. She was rail thin and very unhealthy. Bristol is delightful and she will do good things in this world.
Elin, I don’t deny what you are saying, but I see myself as a demanding consumer. If I am going to spend good money on a CD, a DVD, ticket to a movie, magazine, I want bang for my buck. I want the stars featured to be very talented, beautiful and glamourous. I do not respect most of the so-called stars of today because they are neither talented nor exceptionally attractive. But I do not see the answer to this as being reality shows and shlubs like Bristol.
I, too, am beyond fed up with the nepotism… just because you are related to someone in show business doesn’t make you talented as well. Same goes for THIS girl Her momma was a governer of Alaska who didn’t even finish out the term she was elected to. She got knocked up as a teenager, and she and her baby daddy seem to be pretty dim. She can’t dance and has no business in Hollywood doing ANYTHING. She needs to go home to her baby and raise him, and her momma needs to finish raising HER.
this because bears & flies only live in Alaska.
humans are very VERY RARE!!
THE biggest dispute in her custody arrangement, was because Levi was considering having Tripp included in a reality show he was considering doing and good ole’ Brisket didn’t want him “exploiting” their “child”.
So now Brisket has signed him up with an agent!
Typical Palin hypocrisy and grifting at it’s finest.
She HAD to get an agent to get her out of her contract with that creepy Candies organization.
Brisket can no longer promote abstinence for them because she is pregnant with #3.
She will have her own reality program, called “Brisket the Biscuit, who can get me up the stump next?”
Reta, I draw a distinction between strictly ‘religious’ people and those who are ‘spiritual’, and this is my understanding. I liken Bible thumping zealots who profess their religiosity in a superior *only we are saved* manner to the Scribes and Pharisees of Christ’s time whom He referred to as “whitewashed tombs” – all show, no heart, and He condemned their hypocrisy. It’s what got Him killed.
In contrast, He spent His three years of active ministry almost exclusively seeking out sinners to reveal the beauty of the truly spiritual life to them, touching their hearts in the process so they could begin appreciating God and thus regret offending Him. It’s why He willingly let the others kill Him – to pay the price for forgiveness as only God can make adequate amends to God.
Regarding your question about whether murderers get into Heaven, if they’re truly sorry they do, and recall that Christ’s dying words on the Cross were a prayer of supplication to His Father for those who were killing Him, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” I suggest that just because you can’t grasp the infinity of God with your limited intellect dosen’t mean it’s bogus. If any subject presents a need and challenges one to think outside the box, He is it.
Well you know Lance Armstrong’s mother was a teenaged mother… everyone is so judgemental… that is a tough show to be on and anyone who goes on there should be commended. Not everyone can do it!
Teenaged mothers are not rare and unfortunately single parent teenaged mothers are not even rare….but how many of them bolt from a very wealthy family when a reality show comes calling? If her last name was Jones she would just be another single parent. She obviously learned fame-whoring from her mother, and maybe the Kardashians, hopefully she finds some other role models to get her back on track and back to Alaska and out of the limelight.
I knew it. Levi was the winner of that duo all along. Sign a BABY to an agent? Yeah, she’s mom of the year.
Thanks again Sarah Palin, for your particular version of mothering, which seems to lack….a lot.
Bristol’s Prayer:
Dear Lord, Please let mommy understand that I do not want to live in Wasilla, Alaska. And, I do not want to shoot and kill a deer, gut a deer, cook a deer, and eat a deer. Ditto with elk, moose, bear. I just wanna go to Tinseltown and be a star. Please.
Just wait til the Palins are in the White House.
I guess the name will have to be changed to “White Trash House”.