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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Most clubs would swing their doors wide open if they saw these two hot babes approaching, but apparently The Nice Guy in Hollywood has it’s fill of pretty women. Reality star/loose cannon Brandy Glanville, 43, and her friend dressed to kill in their shortest skirts and thought they could talk their way into the exclusive club – after all, Brandi IS a reality star. Their plans were foiled when the doorman pointed out that their names weren’t on the list. Brandi tried that old trick of “I’m meeting my friend here – let me see if HIS name is on the list,” but the door guy’s heard THAT one before. No reservation – no entry. We DID feel a pang of pity for Brandi – everybody remembers what it feels like to not be “on the list” but Brandi had the awkward shun documented by numerous photographers.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

Join the Conversation

  1. Tooty McPooty

    I’ve seen far more elegant looking street hookers.

  2. Diva

    She is an idiot

  3. Leticia

    She is way hotter than Country bumpkin Leanne.

  4. will

    good to know you will die in bed.

  5. Horatian

    “Don’t you know who I am !”

  6. JimJam
