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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Rob Pattinson is still in New York and he went out to dinner with a bunch of guys to celebrate his movie “New Moon” breaking box office records. (Does that mean he’ll be more insanely popular than Leonardo DiCaprio was after “Titanic?”) He also went out to throw the press off the scent of his undercover romance with Kristen Stewart. Now that we KNOW something is going on between them (and the fact that they both REFUSE to talk about it OR deny it only proves we’re right) ) all this subterfuge is unnecessary. But we’ll play along.

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  1. Casonia logenberry

    He looks really wasted and that he been drinking the good stuff and yes it is great to celebrate New Moon Triumph and I love the part when he asked Bella to Marry him in the movie!!!!!In The Bed Rooma and I thought that part was really Romantic and torching and warm and It made me want to cry…Because the part that he was playing was old fashion and it was nice to hear how true blue men are to be and how there feeling have heart with this times as well but I Though that part had massive amounts of passion and relief.

  2. SebastianCanada

    He He! Glad to see I am not alone in my puzzlement over the fame and fortune of this pastey, hatchet-faced, greasy little dweeb. Scotland has produced and/or perpetuated some dreadful stuff – hagis, bagpipes, men in skirts, golf – and Pattinson is one of the worst.

  3. right

    He went out looking for a ======D to suck.

  4. dee cee

    Parodies that better than the movie.. Watch and enjoy.

  5. Etienne

    Hopefully, he ce;ebration included one of his twice-yearly de-lousings.

  6. captain america

    this “SMELLY CREATURE” re-invented the shower?

  7. Jasper's Goat

    Reta: A Big Ten-Four Ditto on that one !!!

  8. Reta

    Triangle head’s eye’s always look like he’s drugged out. Not good looking at all to me. I don’t get all the hype over this triangle-headed freak.