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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Those of you who are distressed at the idea of Keeping Up with the Kardashians wrapping in two years are in for a pleasant surprise. While you were busy fretting over Kim and Kanye, Sacha Baron Cohen has been furtively filming a new Borat movie! In the new one, Borat supposedly thinks the 2006 film made him famous, and he’s now a recognizable celebrity. He’s forced to wear disguises to continue his interviews and investigations of American culture. Sacha has been spotted secretly filming in a few odd places in the US, and now the movie is finished and ready to release (on HBO? HULU?) If it’s HALF as funny as the first one, we’ll be happy!

Photo: 20th Century Fox

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  1. emmy

    Thank God the kartrashians are finally ending. Don’t understand how they have been polluting the tv airwaves for so long. Good riddance