According to our source, this could be the LAST season for the Real Housewives of Orange County. Season 17 launched with big ratings, but the show has been in a free-fall ever since – the most recent episode is one of the lowest rated ever in the franchise’s history. Our well placed Bravo source says that network executives feel the show has lost its mojo and despite frequent cast shakeups, the audience has lost interest. While a final decision has yet to be made, our source predicts this will be IT for RHOC on Bravo. There’s always a possibility producers could sell the show to a less known network, but of course that would mean a steep pay cut for the housewives. In our source’s opinion, the show is now just a bunch of middle-aged women arguing about nothing. There are no celebrities, no real glamour and just a bunch of cookie cutter tract homes and cheap fashion. Harsh…
Photo Credit: Bravo
They all live in white boxes.
Andy Cohen is misogynist pig
Dan Dan
Cookie cutter faces too.
Doc Hollow
This entire franchise has poisoned adult women and convinced them that this is the way an adult behaves, looks, and thinks. Pure garbage. All of it.
Every one of those shows could be cancelled. Who watches that crap. All just a bunch of over made up ,botoxed , nobodies, with fake tits, teeth, hair. Bye bitches