Poor little Bobbi Kristina never had a chance at a normal life. Her mother Whitney Houston loved her, but was so deep into drugs that she didn’t know how to be a parent. Bobbi grew up watching her parents get high and make fools of themselves. She traveled with her mother on tour and observed how adored the singer was by fans. The little girl never had a settled normal life. If only she had been sent away to a private school, she might have been fortified against her environment by an education. But no such luck. Kristina grew up yearning to be beautiful and famous like her mother, but she inherited her father’s average looks. It doesn’t look like Bobbi is going to survive this mysterious bathtub drowning and it’s a very sad story. She’s only 21.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Anna Nicole Smith saga?
So bad….her mother was a drug addled lesbian who was no parent but gave little BK an inflated view of herself. When it didn’t come about it looks like she took the bad way out.
Ghetto trash just have no future and give no chance to their children.
Where was the brother husband and will he inherit all of Whitney’s money
Is BLACK Morgan Freeman still “dating” his step-granddaughter?
Who is the imbecile who thought it would be a good idea to let a 21 year old, especially this one, receive a trust fund.
Duh – well of course she knew she didn’t need to get an education or aspire to any career of any sort, big or small.
I’m not blaming her – she never had anyone teach her responsibility and never had a stable childhood.
Obama supporters to a core!
Bobby and Whitney r now today’s Kanye and Kim.. totally ignorant and self centered kooks.. Should not have children.
This is so sad on so many levels. As hard as it would be to send a child away to school, Whitney could have afforded the best boarding schools available and given her child stability, rather than dragging her along with her. Education allows for huge amounts of personal growth and encourages critical thinking. That is a great gift to give your child. Did they drag a tutor along on tour? This child had no stability growing up and that doesn’t bode well for adulthood, especially for someone who inherits a huge amount of money. So now, if she doesn’t recover, will her informally adopted brother/ husband get her money? If that’s the case I’m sure they’ll have to be a very thorough investigation. This poor girl was just another tragedy waiting to happen.
Very sad, very tragic, very unnecessary. The poor child didn’t have much of a chance at normalcy, health, success, anythng positive. May she recover, and reclaim her health.
Where her money goes is nobodys business!!!!!
Bobbi kristina is a piece of shit
…………a baby can help her.
try to be a nanny first!!
Most likely she is being ritually sacrificed, just like her mom.
Poor little imposter,,,it so thinks it is funny and people believe it is Strom. Fooolish post.
I have a vagina.
It has HERPES from my BLACK boyfriend.
My trailer is nicer than some.
Poor little Bob the imposter…..JCH should slap your perverted little face but you might like it. Bob so wants to be Strom that it follows all his posts.
Hopefully BK will recover and then see this is an opportunity to change her life to become a productive citizen.
Hopefully the tiny little imposter will take this as an opportunity to look at its failed little life and stop sneaking around and trying to become Strom, a hurdle it will never reach, much less surpass.
Average looks? C’mon Janet, she’s only 21 & beauty’s skin deep. I feel bad for her, all that money can’t bring back her mom & that’s what’s missing. Hope she gets the love & support she needs.
Hopefully BK will recover and then see this is an opportunity to lose the ghetto act and change her life to become a productive citizen.
See i think she’s really cute; I hate everybody comparing her looks to her mother’s. Can you imagine how SHE FEELS?
“But no such luck. Kristina grew up yearning to be beautiful and famous like her mother, but she inherited her father’s average looks.”
Janet you show zero compassion by writing garbage like this about the unfortunate circumstances . Shameful!
Folks, I’m punching at shadows!
Bobbi kristina is ugly and shitty
She was hanging around with her ex thug boyfriend right before this happened.. there’s more to it than oopsie I fall down in the tub or she accidentally overdosed..
It truly DOES take a village to raise a child, and Bobbi never, ever, had a healthy village. So very sad. The fact that she is the product of two drug addicts is also two very big strikes against her.
Dee Cee you are on to something. New “husband”,(no prenup) & old thug boyfriend are the only ones with her in the house. She falls into bath after drinking?? Really fishy story if you ask me……
These people are all from the entitled ghetto trash culture.
Why did the looters in Ferguson, MO tear up their neighborhood and steal everything from the shoe stores but WORK Boots? Enough said.
No it doesn’t take a village unless you are Hillary Clinton and going for a sound bite. It takes a committed parent which BK never had.
Whitney was a drug addled lesbian who was happy to give her $$$ but never gave her reality. And the family were all leeches who were all in so long as the money flow never stopped.
Looks like the ghetto rappers are filming a reality show while BK is still in a coma.
No it doesn’t take a village unless you are Hillary Clinton and going for a sound bite. It takes a committed parent which BK never had.
Whitney was a drug addled lesbian who was happy to give her $$$ but never gave her reality. And the family were all leeches who were all in so long as the money flow never stopped.