This should be a consolation to all high school girls who assume they will never grow up to be glamorous. In 2002, Gossip Girl star Blake Lively attended Burbank High School and she had not yet blossomed into the leading lady she was to become. However, she WAS a cheerleader so the spark was there. With the help of her orthodontist, she went on to become not only a TV and movie star, but the face of Chanel – perhaps the most envied accomplishment of all.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Call me crazy but I LOVE Blake’s natural look? Quirky and individualistic..Now days everybody has the same teeth, same nose..there’s no personality. There’s something to say about an untouched face.
pink and yellow roses
She is a true beauty and you can see that spark.
Thanks Indy. She’s a sweetie.
That’s how most of them get to be “stars”, probably including the male stars too.
Christine India aka Indy
I agree with chris. Blake is just one of multitudes of starlets who jump from man to man, like playing musical chairs.
Christine India aka Indy
Patrick: I always thought Sophie was the cutest name ever.
Denise, Sophie will be like her mother. Stunningly gorgeous, a mesmerizing smile and always the prettiest girl in the room.
The most beautiful person I have ever seen.
Next to myself.
It the rumours are true she’s been passed around like a dip at a Hollywood Poker Game among A List Directors/Actors.
Patrick, soon enough you will be having to beat the boys off with a stick! Your girl sounds like my daughters bff. Are you sure you don’t live nearby?
Christine India aka Indy
So who else needs braces?
Hilary Swank
Jessica Biel
I too think her high school photo shows a very cute and natural girl.
Patrick, as Muffie!! says above, and as I found with my daughter, just tell Sophie that her smile will be even more beautiful when the braces have done their work. She sounds like a cutie already.
We are comparing high school photos to someone that is at least 6 years older and has gone through the Hollywood machine??
That’s kind of a “mean girls” thing to do isn’t it? Not everyone likes their high school photos and not everyone took a good photo. There’s a lot of personal growth takes place in 6 years.
I’m not a big fan of Lively but she was cute in her high school photo.
Kitty, I agree. Nose job and dental work, and a bad nose job at that (too pinched). She must have been born under a lucky *star*, because there are many more starlets much prettier. She is 6 feet or more in heels. Ask her many lovers what her hidden talents are.
forrest gump
she didn’t use VAGINAL PARFUME back then……
Muffie, I just took my youngest for a full set of braces last week. I teased her on the way home, Sophie, you’ve got red hair, freckles, braces and glasses, you’re the whole package.
Daaad, she whimpered.
I gave her lots of love and hugs after that.
Hilary's Duff
She’s a bit of a “butterface”. Her kegs are what Men and Women adore.
This pic is almost identical to my 2 daughters. They too, had over crowding and needed braces. What wonders braces do, now they both have the most amazing beautiful smiles. Their beautiful smiles now match their loving hearts & wonderful spirits!!
Wow, dental work and a nose job can do wonders.