We never heard of the “War on Idling” in New York, but this cute photo of Billy Idol inspired us to look into it. It seems NY Mayor Bill De Blasio is obsessed with the fact that vehicles – especially delivery trucks, do not turn off their engines while parked – they idle. Of course that pollutes neighborhoods, but no matter how many tickets are given, the habit persists in the city. Billy Idol lives in Los Angeles, but he’s a good sport and joined the campaign because he has the right name and wants a clean environment. Of course Billy attracted a nice crowd to the PR event.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
De Blasio is an idiot. I guess Janet likes the government telling her how to live. Go have a large Coke. Oh…that’s right. You can’t buy those in the city.
I don’t need a socialist moron telling me what I can and can’t do.
He’s supposedly a dirty old codger