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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Lovebirds Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have not been spending their free time together lounging on island beaches – they spend it shopping for big-ticket items! For the past year, they’ve been househunting for a mega-mansion big enough for their blended families. They almost bought one in April for 55 million, but the deal fell through. Recently the couple perused the Aaron Spelling 165 million dollar mansion, but passed on that one. This weekend is different, however- they went shopping for a new Rolls Royce in Beverly Hills with Ben’s son Sam. Salespeople must jump out of their shoes when they see these big spenders coming…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. wowsers

    Please. Anyone who actually believes these 2 are a real couple are as gullible as it gets.

    It’s a fake relationship, people! They’re friendly exes, not lovers, not really engaged, not really buying a house together, not buying rolls royces.

    Half the relationships in Hollywood today are totally manufactured. Some bearding, some just posing as couples.

    Giving any attention to these 2 is idiotic.

  2. Doc Hollywood

    Make these people go away. They literally pay to be photographed

  3. Sherry

    $6 dollar a gallon for gas? The environment ? Not a problem for them.