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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



We’re just plain disgusted to hear that Ben Affleck threw his weight around and coerced producers of the PBS show “Finding Your Roots” to alter their documentary and eliminate the fact that one of his ancestors was a slave owner. Who does Affleck think he is? Does he think his errant ancestor (which MANY of us have) is going to reflect badly on HIS image? He pushed the reputable show to falsify research and instead focus on a Revolutionary war ancestor. All this came out in the SONY email hack – it was apparent the show’s host and producers were very upset by Affleck’s unethical demand, but afraid not to give in. Ben Affleck should be ashamed.

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  1. Strom

    3 little imposter posts… foolish they all are. JCH should send it back to the Call Center where it belongs!

  2. Strom.

    I actually would like to humbly retract my comments. They were without merit or forethought and I am truly sorry. I shall now return to the pullout sofa in my parent’s basement. Good night!

  3. Strom

    Before you can get it out of your fingers, I am jealous and bitter.

  4. Strom

    I am also Susieerb. I fight and agree with myselves.
    Nurse! Get me a towel! I’m drooling copiously!

  5. Strom

    Poor little imbecile imposter, loves Strom so much it posts twice!

  6. Strom

    Excuse me folks, I’m a certified MORON.

  7. Strom

    I would have been off way worse if rich whites had not owned black slaves. Slaves did the hard work this country needed to cultivate the soil and support commerce. White people owe so much to the slaves and blacks that built this country without dehumanizing others like evil whites did.

  8. Strom

    None of us have any control over our ancestors so its all a moot point. Only the EEOC BLACKS want to constantly bring up slavery issues and are happy to seek reparations. In truth most of them are 1000% better off than they would be if they were born in Africa. But the truth doesn’t mean much when they see $$$ without work.

  9. Anon1

    Alot of the celebrities that go on do have slave owning ancestors that’s not a shock but I actually saw one where Rita Wilson was actually proud that her relative worked his way from indentured servant to slave owner that was rich lol or it definitely came off that way even if it was not intended like i get where she was coming from but it was still pretty funny

  10. Strom

    Yep, I happen to agree. His wife is so far ahead of J lo in looks and class it is no contest. She was never the street trash who screwed BLACKS to gain fame.

  11. susieserb

    MOFO’s leave his wife out of this, are you kidding me? To attack somebody’s looks, especially a hollywood gal who actually keeps it real is very cowardly.

    Gee I bet you look amazing right?

  12. Strom

    Lots of hate here for Ben and his wife. But he was very lucky to have escaped the fame whore Jlo who then went on a publicity deluge to try and ruin him.

    Poor little Frank and the other imposters, they are so jealous of Strom they try and play him in their fantasy…not gonna work!

  13. Bossman

    Typical Hollywood Liberal.

  14. Strom

    I am Frank, xyz, Philbert Cardenzo, and I forget all the other voices names, but I’ll get back to all of you about that.

    Sorry for being a blithering idiot.

    Nurse! I’m drooling. Get me a nappie.

  15. Frank

    Dee cee and strom are likely connected, and should both be disconnected. If you take my point…

  16. anonTWO

    dee cee, you are out of your mind.

  17. Janet's Filthy Wig

    Strom bens compulsive gambling has nothing to do w jlo or with his homely skanky wife. Ben cheats on her and gambles compulsively because he likes it better than he likes her. The end.

  18. Strom

    Spoken like a true J lO enabler. This is a rumor she started after he cancelled the wedding because she was a fame whore.

  19. Daggers

    I can’t help it but….

    Every time Ben Affleck is mentioned, I picture him hunched over a VIP poker table in Vegas gambling like a maniac for hours and hours….

    And then his boring old hag wife (as Philberto Cardenez stated) screaming at him for his bad gambling habit. (he has been known to gamble for 14 hour straight and drop thousands$$)

    I think this marriage is hanging by a thread. Ben is a serial cheater and gambler, and truth told, he doesn’t want to stop.

  20. jojo

    ah screw you Janet, is this the best you have today? We all have jerk relatives we don’t want to talk about.

  21. Strom

    DC is correct.

  22. Strom

    Poor moronic Eric should read this:

    None of us have any control over our ancestors so its all a moot point. Only the EEOC BLACKS want to constantly bring up slavery issues and are happy to seek reparations. In truth most are 1000% better off than they would be if they were born in Africa. But the truth doesn’t mean much when they see $$$ without work.

  23. Eric

    Strom, you have an moronic knack for stating the absurd, and thinking it’s somehow logical proof, consider for example” Many people’s ancestors owned slaves, some people’s ancestors were slaves, and many were neither.” did you leave anybody out dumbass ?

  24. Dee Cee

    Were these slave owning relatives good to the slaves or evil? They might have treated them well, taught them the bible, allowed them to read and write and learn skills and trades to make money of their own.. not just work in the fields and tend to the family live in shanty towns.. so they could have sheltered them from those evil slave owners who would have taken ruinous advantage of them with no special thoughts of brotherly kindness for their health and welfare.

  25. Strom

    Many people’s ancestors owned slaves, some people’s ancestors were slaves, and many were neither.

    None of us have any control over our ancestors so its all a moot point. Only the EEOC BLACKS want to constantly bring up slavery issues and are happy to seek reparations. In truth most are 1000% better off than they would be if they were born in Africa. But the truth doesn’t mean much when they see $$$ without work.

  26. Strom

    Maybe ask shelia c why Ben was chosen!

  27. mister baja

    he is simply paid lavishly to say so………

  28. anonTWO

    We cant choose our family so I dont get why Affleck went there with the diva attitude.

    what surprised me is the producers who described him as a major star and accommodated his request.

    ben affleck for me has not and never will have a list status.

  29. Janet's Filthy Wig

    He looks like a slaver

  30. Philberto Cardenez

    His wife is so plain, homely and boring.

  31. Bluejay

    That’s Henry Louis Gates hosting. Surprising that Mr. Gates let that big one slide. Are you sure, Janet? This is a wait and see what really transpires.