The ink was barely dry on his divorce papers when Ben Affleck, 44, moved Lindsay Shookus, 37, into his Brentwood house – not far from where his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their kids live. Women are often surprised and hurt when their exes jump into another relationship so quickly. Certainly Jennifer Garner can identify with Jennifer Aniston now. Ben and Lindsay were seen leaving Mozza’s pizza restaurant in Hollywood.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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Men are not going to be alone, no matter what is wrong with them.
Who is more effed up? Ben or Janet?
It’s really not that quickly, anyone who reads gossip knows that that Ben and Jen relationship was over before their son was even conceived, that birth just gave Jen a few extra years to cling on.
But my goodness, this new shookus woman looks like trash. I give it two years. They’ll probably cheat on each other and move on. Ben looks like a sweat hog.
You said it sister: dingleberries are known to cling-on less desperately than Jennifer, poor thing.
Ultimately, Ben had to dump her out of serious concern for his health; she was inducing Narcolepsy in him–with her own incurable blandness, bless her heart.
By the bitter end, Affleck could barely stay wake long enough for her to finish a sentence, God love her.
Ben now knows what the world does: Jennifer Garner and her movies are the cure for insomnia.
she’s not very pretty. I think she is his drinking buddy.
I am so glad he got away from the horrible woman Garner.
……….living as a nobody is his daytime job.
Why all this shade on Jennifer who seems so NORMAL? Yet you adore an addictive gambler/alcoholic? ODD…
I can’t imagine anyone expecting a monogamous relationship with this man. He’s notorious and if he did it to Jennifer, he’ll do it to you.
I think the bar for looks has lowered considerably for him. Whatever you think of Jennifer, she’s far more attractive than this gal. But whatever the attraction, he seems hooked.
Garner is an act, she is a chronic cheater who is now masquerading as churchy mom.
Well perhaps originally they were well matched It’s me Margaret? and now she’s taken a positive turn…him? Not so much.
Close up on the beak will tell all. A major Rachel uchitel beak is scary.