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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


In Ben Affleck’s Howard Stern interview he remarked that while he was married to Jennifer Garner and they had three kids, that he felt trapped and would drink too much and fall asleep on the couch. Long after his divorce from Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt confessed that HE would smoke and drink too much and fall asleep on the couch. Both guys were obviously unhappy and didn’t know what to do about it. We’re betting Brad’s marriage to Angelina Jolie ended in a similar way. The DIFFERENCE between Brad and Ben is that Brad carefully chose his words and never mentioned Aniston in a negative way. By saying he felt “trapped” Ben implied that Garner was the cause and we don’t think he meant to. He has always admired and praised his ex-wife.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Parsley

    Correction. During his time with Jolie Brad said in interviews his marriage with Anisten was stagnant and effectively meaningless and blamed his indulgences- pot smoking etc…on that.

  2. Britishteeth

    What a jerk, I ‘m an alcoholic because of my ex-wife, seriously? You drink because you want to.Take responsibility boy.

  3. Jojogogo

    Oh this is all JLo. I like JLO but men almost always need to dismiss their other relationships as trivial and hapless to be with her. Girl can not be alone but at least we aren’t subject to thirsty posts from her like Madonna.

  4. Wilson

    Ben is an idiot! Seriously. You do not go on Howard without being asked questions that can reveal your base personality. Ben is a narcissistic man who trashed the only woman consistently on his side (and caused more lasting hurt for his kids as well). What a piece of ——.

  5. Diva

    Ben’s an idiot.