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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Whoa! SOMEBODY is looking mighty relaxed and comfortable and right at home on Jennifer Lopez’s balcony in Miami! Of course, that SOMEBODY is Ben Affleck. She probably wore him out at the gym today. He hasn’t been working out regularly for awhile and it’s not easy keeping up with J.Lo. Ben is sprawled outside smoking a cigarette and enjoying a cold drink. If this second-time-around relationship lasts awhile, we’re betting health conscious Jennifer will find a way to get Ben to stop smoking…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Wilson

    He looks bored.

    And they just don’t seem to be into each other. Likely a contract relationship.

    Quit smoking Ben!

  2. Light Brigade

    This “relationship” is scripted. This chick is a publicity hound. She thinks she’s Elizabeth Taylor, except she’s NOT.

    She is uninteresting, her “relationships are all PR stunts, and she’s getting no younger.

    To bad she doesn’t just look for real love rather than one hype after another. Loser.

  3. Strom

    Add 100 more to that list. Ben is falling into the trap of J Lo’s publicity machine where everyone seeks her out but she just wants to concentrate on family. He is an idiot to chase the greedy shrew who Marc said had had major plastic surgery work done internally and externally.

    ARod is extremely lucky to have gotten out of this and her PR machine makes it seem like he is pining for her 24/7. Everyone should run for the woods and let her flounder…..can’t sing, can’t act but has a great manager who squeezes top $$$ for her nothing abilities.

  4. Arod's penicillin dispensary

    I wonder if Arod and Puff Didly wore a condom .