It makes sense that the Liberace biography “Behind the Candelabra” would land at HBO where they did such a good job with the Jack Kevorkian story. Michael Douglas is still set to play Liberace and Matt Damon is cast as his boyfriend Scott Thorson. (The script is based on Thorson’s book “My Life with Liberace.”) Liberace fell for 17 year old Scott in 1976, and they lived together for five years until drugs and cheating broke them up. Scott Thorson shocked the world in 1982 when he sued Liberace for palimony and revealed all the details of their gay relationship, including the fact that Liberace paid to have Scott get plastic surgery to look more like him! Liberace was devastated. He was adored as a performer but he was forced to lead two lives because he was always in the closet- it’s a fascinating story. (Photos above show Scott and Liberace at the height of their romance)

About The Author


  1. And we were simply shocked to find out that Liberace was gay, because we never would have guessed.

    Seriously, he was a fabulous entertainer and I used to love watching his shows. And remember him on the old Batman when he played those twins, one good and one evil? A true original.

  2. Apart from being very likable and entertaining,Liberace was a dirty old, reptile, fool later in life. I felt no sympathy for him when this hustler took HIM for a ride.
    No Queen like an old Queen. {fool}
    It should be a good show if Damon and Douglas are doing it on H.B.O.

  3. @Patrick
    That may have been the only way to get any companionship or sex was to resort to a hustler. If he was alive now, Liberace might be picking out a different one each night from the internet and craiglist. lol

    Now, the sad part is when those young ones (male or female) age and can no longer make a living turning tricks. I suppose we can read and possibly see more about that in Strom’s new scratch & sniff autobiography that he is peddling to the porn shops.

  4. Well I missed the whole Liberace love affair. I being too young to have been a Liberace fan, I always knew he was gay. It was pretty obvious, no? I really dont know too many straight me that wear alot of gaudy jewellery, sequins and fur coats. Yeah, pretty obvious!! I am sure the movie will be good as Matt Damon doesn’t usually make many stinkers. not so sure Bout watching it though. Broke back Mountain really traumatized me!

    Hey Janet, how bout the Kardashians. I just read they are on target to be billionaires in the not so distant future. Sears alone is paying them half of that. I guess the sales can’t be too terribly bad. 30% off or not. For as many haters as there claims to be, they sure got high ratings for KK’s wedding last night. Just sayin’.

  5. It wasn’t a shock to anybody with half a brain. We always knew he was a flaming gay.

  6. @Strom

    I strongly suspect you are an imposter because I actually enjoyed that link (http://www.jonschmidt.com) and forwarded it to my friends. Amazing performance.

    Whoever you are, thanks for sharing!

  7. Liberace was a great performer but he had a totally filthy and immoral lifestyle. I guess HBO is going after the geyser set for ratings. zzzzzz…

  8. @Patrick: Now you just hang on a minute there, fella!

    @Muffin: No actual butt-holes were harmed in the filming of Brokeback Mountain, dear.

  9. my (at the time) GF Virginia and I took our grandmothers TO Circle Star Theater in San Carlos ( or was that RC? ) to see this talent….
    He was MAGNIFICENT in every way and THEY LOVED IT!
    One of my best memories!!

  10. I’ll bet more than anything, Thorson regrets that HEINOUS chin implant.

    Cosmetic surgery has sure come a long way in 25 years—thank you Jesus!

    Something nice: Lib was reportedly very good to his pets.

    Something nice and ancient: used to hang out with Ina Liberace (Lee’s niece) and Kristy McNichol when they were lovers/best pals at the old Odyssey disco on Beverly Blvd. Good times! 🙂

  11. Since we’re thanking Strom, thanks for the link, re: Morgan Freeman. Wow, about as bad as Woody Allen.

  12. try to imagine a grown up “Man” with a C*CK IN HIS MOUTH & ANUS?

    you need to puke?

  13. Excuse me please your Majesty.
    Grovelling and begging forgiveness.

  14. Liberace wanted his boyfriend to look just like him so much that he paid for his surgery….how screwed up is that…gay or not….why does he need his lover to look just like him…wow….thats the sick part.

  15. Sometimes Strom amazes me in a good way. Always quick with the links. That Liberace on What’s My Line was entertaining. All those women screaming.

  16. Longtime panel member Arlene Francis was responsible for not one, but TWO deaths during her time—one was caused when a barbell she was using fell from her window and onto a man walking below.

    True story!

  17. “In 1960, a dumbbell she was using to prop open a window in her Manhattan apartment slipped out of its hold and fell eight stories onto a Detroit tourist who was in New York celebrating his 60th birthday, killing him.

    In 1963, she was driving in the rain when she collided with another car, and the accident killed the driver” (All Information is from IMDB)

  18. IMDB also writes…….

    “In 1960, her maid accidentally dropped a barbell from her apartment window or balcony, killing a passerby. Ms. Francis paid $175,000 in damages.”

    Who the heck knows. Bottom line, the poor guy died.

  19. “It’s not about posters!”


  20. Yeah Strom, if it’s not about posters, why do you post links for us to watch.

    Admit it, you like us, dontcha?

    $175,000 in damages? That was a lot of money back then. No wonder she was stuck on What’s My Line for years.

  21. Fuck off with that, Strom.
    A lot of good people were lost in that terrible era.
    And don’t start with the Chimp thing again…stupid.

  22. “Arlene Francis, serial killer.”

    The things you learn. God I love this site! 🙂

  23. “The somber, dignified air of Ms. Francis’s funeral procession was disrupted when the hearse carrying her remains ran a red light and T-boned a bus filled with returning veterans—killing 11 instantly and injuring scores of others.”*

    (I kid, I kid! 🙂 )

  24. “That Era” continues today and the gay lobby was successful in diverting the public from behavorial results. Totally amazing they were able to turn the tables and get huge amounts of funding that was taken away from research on diseases which might now be cured while the fags went skipping on their merry way….and infecting more people than ever.

    Send them to Gay Island and give each a pet monkey.

  25. You really have to work through your hate, Strom.
    Life is to short.
    Actually it looks like your government wants you to direct your negative energies towards Iran right now. Time for some good ole boy whoopass on the next, mid-east, oil, target.

  26. Amazing that Sebastian is so pro-GAY and anti-American.

    There is no support in America for any more wars and the Iran caper is a big con, either from someone group in Iran or the USA.

  27. I’m not Sebastion. Nor pro-gay, or anti american.
    Just tolerant, anti kill for profit and critical minded.
    America can’t leave Iraq unattended which is the plan after saving the world{pumping oil} from W.M.D.’s and Saddam or Iran goes in.
    The playing field needs to be levelled.
    Hence knock down Iran’s military and infrastructure to make them incapable of making a play for Iraq.
    The ace card will be some American dyke politician afearing the masses with manufactured, credible info that Iran has produced a fissionable weapon and Israel is the target.
    Wait for it.

  28. Patrick
    I think Strom uses all that hate in a multitude of ways. She’s killed off a lot of people on this website.

    There’s nothing but pure hate tucked under that yellow sheet of hers.

  29. Once in a while she throws a bone in the form of some benign comment or video clip of music or whatever.
    But it’s all about the racist agenda.
    Nasty, mean, old bitch.

  30. Amazing and inaccurate comments about other people instead of the thread at hand.

  31. Miss Strom

    You must be related to Janet or her close friend or she was your prison bitch.

    Whatever, it is she allows you to grossly exceed most people’s tolerant level for racist & graphic sexual racist remarks.

    You don’t even want people to interact on the website for fear that they might have a common link (their distaste for you).

    I am for free speech but there isn’t anything about the bile you sprew that is free. The cost is what we feel for you every single day that you post on this site which is pity, disgust, saddness….among others.

    I know your so much smarter that anger and hate. From time to time, I see flickers of a real person that isn’t so consumed in racist rants. I am so shocked by these events that I even question whether it is really you or not.

    If you are genuiunely this angry person that you project, then I hope that God can come into your life and you can see and understand that hate weighs you down and ages you. It keeps you from enjoying the gift of life.

  32. I think Strom and Ava are really buddies and just making us think they aren’t.

  33. Wrong on all counts and I am all for interaction so long as it is about JC’s threads and not about what a poster had for lunch or did 40 years ago (who cares).

  34. Yes Strom dear we know, “it’s not about posters”.

    Although I still miss Walt Cliff and his food and relative stories.

  35. Denise

    I think Strom ran off Walt (loved his stories). Strom hated him and everybody else.

  36. Walt never bothered Strom.
    Good ole boys are pretty quiet on those subjects in mixed company.
    Casonia freaked Walt out, Mel pissed him off and Hello hurt his feelings.
    Didn’t you, Hello!

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