Fashionistas might be interested to learn that the terrifying Anna Wintour (she inspired The Devil Wears Prada) is not as perfect as she seems. She’s famous for her thick hair cut in a bob but apparently it’s not all natural. A source leaked to us that Anna’s hair isn’t as lush as it used to be and she often augments it with fake bangs and various added pieces in different shades. It’s even rumored that her best buddy at Vogue, Andre Leon Talley, often carries her hairpieces in HIS luggage when they travel in case hers is searched!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Can’t stand this bitch
Good chance she is a lesbo or goes both ways as she speaks out often about percieved gay issues.
forrest gump
her penis was removed just when she was a baby.
ZZZZzzz it’s almost as boring as Affleck’s wig rumors
The guy that gave her the vogue job must have splash all over that face.
Thanks Tobe. LOL. One of life’s great mysteries solved!
Well Geez Janet, did you not know that when women hit menopause many of them start thinning out just like middle age men? Female pattern hair loss affects 40% of all women. It’s not at all unusual for an over 40 woman to need a hair piece or wig. I don’t see why people find it so shocking, your hair looks fake too.
@Denise, I wondered the same thing about the kleenex boxes then I started working for car wash service in college. People start out with the kleenex in the front seat. Then someone gets in the front with them (passenger) and they get tossed to the back seat then when you are vacuuming the car out or someone is vacuuming it out for you, things like umbrella’s and kleenex get tossed in the back windows.
at that that is my take on it. lol
It looks like a wig so this is hardly a surprise. Madonna is up to the same tricks these days. That is one terrible picture of her. She looks about 105.
@Hilary’s Duff. Good question. I never buy magazines anymore. Expensive waste of paper and money.
She looks like she is wearing a wig. I think she believes she is Edith Head! She does not drive, she is driven. I don’t know why anyone whould care what she thinks. She is old.
Nevermind the funny thing on her neck, why do people drive with boxes of kleenex in the back window? I mean really, if you’re driving and you need one, like you’re ever going to be able to reach it.
See that box of Kleenex back in the back back there? I’d like to stuff some up her nose and in her mouth (under that thin top lip). And then rip her wig off!!!
Oh, just kidding. LOL
Why is there a funny shaped thing on her neck?
She’s got a face that says, “Punch me!”
And her unfortunate personality.
So not a surprise.
I would find the nearest escape route from that dragon.
Stroms pig
what muffie said
a not a single fuck was given….
Who cares?
Anna Wintour is a woman?
Forget about the hair, what about her huge honker and her gigantic Adams apple? I think the hairdo is meant to throw people off of her other unfortunate attributes.
That hairdo looks dumb on anybody over the age of 5
Hilary's Duff
Who buys magazines?